Tell me about your Cutom there something special? birthsigns that combine with the class?
I've made a custom class for my character Sir Clyde wich is Veronica's Mentor.
The class is named Trojan Knight...
Name/Class: Sir Clyde / Trojan Knight
Race/Gender: Imperial / Male
Birthsign: The Warrior
Specialization: Combat
Attributes: Strength, Endurance
Major Skills: Destruction, Security, Athletics, Blade,
Block, Armorer, Heavy Armor
Health/Magicka/Fatigue: 110/80/170
Max Level: 50
Encumbrance: 275
- Absorb Fatigue (daily: 100 pt. Touch)
- Charm (daily: 30 pt. Touch)
INTELLIGENCE-40: Alchemy-5, Mysticism-5, Conjuration-5
WILLPOWER-30: Destruction-25, Alteration-5, Restoration-5
PERSONALITY-50: Illusion-5, Mercantile-15, Speechcraft-15
AGILITY-30: Security-25, Sneak-5, Marksman-5
SPEED-40: Athletics-30, Acrobatics-5, Light Armor-5
STRENGTH-55: Blunt-15, Blade-35, Hand to Hand-15
ENDURANCE-55: Block-30, Armorer-30, Heavy Armor-35
so... tell me about your custom classes