1) While you are fighting your opponant, how can you tell how much health he/she is at?
2) I used to just give away my poison potions I found not knowing that you could use it on your weapons/arrows. I thought I would never drink a poison.. so now that I know it is usable.. how?
If I use it to tip an arrow, does it tip your entire inventory of say silver arrows or just one arrow at a time? And how long is the duration of the poison lasting on the weapon?
3) If I am using a Silver Bow, is it more advantageous to use silver arrows over say steel arrows with my silver bow? Does it matter at all?
4) what IS the best and lightest bow to use?
5) If I wanted to enchant my bow, what woild the best enchantment to use on it?
Thanks for any and all answers..
