Questions about Oblivion

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:36 am

Hey all - I was wondering if anyone can help me with just a few questions regarding the game.. instead of creating 4 different topics I figured I'd ask them all in one post:

1) While you are fighting your opponant, how can you tell how much health he/she is at?

2) I used to just give away my poison potions I found not knowing that you could use it on your weapons/arrows. I thought I would never drink a poison.. so now that I know it is usable.. how?
If I use it to tip an arrow, does it tip your entire inventory of say silver arrows or just one arrow at a time? And how long is the duration of the poison lasting on the weapon?

3) If I am using a Silver Bow, is it more advantageous to use silver arrows over say steel arrows with my silver bow? Does it matter at all?

4) what IS the best and lightest bow to use?

5) If I wanted to enchant my bow, what woild the best enchantment to use on it?

Thanks for any and all answers.. :)

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:03 am

1) In the middle of the screen, over your crosshairs in first person, a half-circle will appear that represents their health.

2) I think it only lasts for one hit with a melee weapon and for one arrow, immediately applying the affects of the poison for however long they're supposed to last. I might be wrong because I almost never use poisons myself.

3) You just want to use the best arrows you can, I don't think there's any bonus for using silver arrows with a silver bow.

4) Well, the best bow is also the heaviest. Decide for yourself what you want to use:

5) Depends on the situation and the opponent you're fighting and a number of other things. For general use, Damage Health would probably be best.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:08 pm

Hey all - I was wondering if anyone can help me with just a few questions regarding the game.. instead of creating 4 different topics I figured I'd ask them all in one post:

1) While you are fighting your opponant, how can you tell how much health he/she is at?

2) I used to just give away my poison potions I found not knowing that you could use it on your weapons/arrows. I thought I would never drink a poison.. so now that I know it is usable.. how?
If I use it to tip an arrow, does it tip your entire inventory of say silver arrows or just one arrow at a time? And how long is the duration of the poison lasting on the weapon?

3) If I am using a Silver Bow, is it more advantageous to use silver arrows over say steel arrows with my silver bow? Does it matter at all?

4) what IS the best and lightest bow to use?

5) If I wanted to enchant my bow, what woild the best enchantment to use on it?

Thanks for any and all answers.. :)


Well..... It has been a long time since I played Oblivion, so I can really only answer #2

#2: You select the poison you want and it will ask you to drink or add to a weapon. I believe it adds it to all your arrows. (keep in mind if you add it to silver arrows;it only applies to ALL SILVER arrows. Not wooden arrows or dwarven arrows, etc.) The duration for the swords always seemed to be about 5 minutes (Real Time), but I am not sure if it is the same for arrows.

Hope this helps :blush:

EDIT: Actually, now that I think about it, Velorien is correct. The poison will only last for about 1 or 2 uses. Same probably applies to arrows.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:22 am

I agree with Velorien's answers. Let me amplify the question about poison.

You click on the poison and the game will ask if you want to poison whatever weapon you have equipped at the time. Say yes, and the next one shot or strike with that weapon will deliver the poison. So the poison is only good for one shot (bow) or strike (melee weapon). Although it sounds counterintuitive the game applies the poison to your bow, not your arrow. This can be easily tested by poisoning your bow and swtiching arrows - the bow will still be poisoned.

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:01 am

Hey all - I was wondering if anyone can help me with just a few questions regarding the game.. instead of creating 4 different topics I figured I'd ask them all in one post:

3) If I am using a Silver Bow, is it more advantageous to use silver arrows over say steel arrows with my silver bow? Does it matter at all?
Silver arrows do more damage than steel. One more damage I think. I use a mixture of arrows, saving steel for rats and the like, and better arrows for more deadly opponents.

4) what IS the best and lightest bow to use?
The lightest, I believe is a Black Bow. At least it's the lightest in my inventory, and I collect bows. Just so you know the heaviest bow is a Dremora Bow, however the best bows, imo, are either the Perfect Madness or Perfect Amber Bows, weighing in at 23 pounds iirc, and do the best base damage. I'm currently using a perfect amber bow, self-enchanted.

5) If I wanted to enchant my bow, what woild the best enchantment to use on it?
I like to put Soul trap, fire, shock and light on my bows. I make the soul trap be one second longer than the damage. Think along the lines of Soul Trap 3 seconds, with damages at 2 seconds. I've found with Soul Trap at 4 seconds, which is too long, that I've already re-nocked an arrow, and fired it in that amount of time, really more like 2.5 seconds. So I was wasting arrows with the longer Soul Trap, as well as wasting charges on my bow. I put enough damage on the bow, so that I have 19 uses. And I carry Azura's Star, to keep it fueled. Silence is a fun enchantment too.

Thanks for any and all answers.. :)


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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:24 pm

Thanks all for your responces!! Very helpful!
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