» Sat May 28, 2011 11:12 am
Let me start by saying I don't care for fast travel and don't use it personally, but I, unlike some, understand that I'm not the only one playing this game, and that my preferences aren't the only ones that matter. So I think its good to have it in the game and I can understand the argument made by those people that want a realistic alternative to the point and click of Oblivion.
Now I didn't really bother reading through all the posts so if this has alreadry been brought up by someone--sorry.
With all that said, here's my idea.
Since it is Skyrim, and since this could loosely fit into the established 'lore' and culture of that society, I think the most practical form of fast travel that they could implement in the game(besides caravan, mammoth, etc.), is to utilize some kind of ancient Thu'um transport, by shouting you across the map. Perhaps scattered throughout the game world, and in each major city, there could be small mystical ruins or ancient pieces of architecture that had been magically infused(enchanted) ages ago by the most powerful 'tongues' of old, with the ability to transport people by shout. Something similar to the size and design of the Ayleid Wells in Oblivion, but with a nordic style, and maybe each could house a large crystal at its core, which when struck with a rod or activated with a spell or something will ring and then reverberate with the sound of the shout, carrying whoever activated it, wherever they wish to go. Whats more, is that since its already been stated that the cities won't be sealed off from the rest of the gameworld, they could, in theory, create a cool animation in which you dissolve and become one with the shout, speeding across the land with the sound and the wind, before re-materializing at your destination.(WOULD REALLY MAKE FAST TRAVEL SEEM MORE LIKE 'FAST TRAVEL') :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: