The "We Want Fast Travel Alternatives" Thread

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:11 am

On a scale of 1-10 (1 being not bothered 10 being game-breaker) I'd say fast travel is about a five. It makes me mad, but it doesn't make me not want to play either. I would like to see the Morrowind style fast travel over Oblivions, but it will only leave me disappointed that it is in. i would never really denounce that it is a problem that needs to be stopped like some kind of plague, but it should at least have a great deal of consideration put into it. Having a ship, carraige, and magic teleporting system would be a major plus over early Elder Scrolls games and Oblivion's. It worked for Daggerfell and Arena because the games were just that big, but in Oblivion one starts using it to travel over an area that would have taken two minutes on a horse. Sure they say that it takes out the bore of actually walking, like IDK in real life, but it also makes one start asking questions like "Did Bethesda just reintroduce fast travel to Obliviopn to hide the fact that every thing in it was just copy and paste environments and dungeons?" If one actually explores the area, something seemingly discouraged in Oblivion, then one can see the wide variety of areas and how many special details were placed and all the little hidden items that scarcely dot the land.

Alternatives are great, one shouldn't have to walk, but at the same time give a little punishment to those who don't want to. Morrowind had "spend five minutes and walk to your destination or pay 60 gold to have to walk two and a half minutes." Oblivions was more of "spend two and a half minutes walking some place from 60% of the map on a good horse, or get there instantly for nothing." One makes it so you don't explore the entire map at level 1 due to cost constraints, the other helps you beat the main quest never leveling up past level 3 unless if you do guilds or side missions which only up it to level 12-15. The only reason I think that it isn't a game breaker is I have a little self restraint in not using it 100% of the time. Some don't though, which is why there at least should be a little button that you can switch on or off.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:27 am

"As you've come to dread, you can instantly travel to previously visited locations with the tap of the fast travel button." - Game Informer overview, page 54 (I saw it on scans) And I don't like it.

Fixed :D
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:12 am

HAHA! That's so true! :(
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:43 pm

I'm all for a travel network as long as it isn't available 24/7. It needs to have set times that they are available and the rest of the time they are traveling, taking other people in their travels. Also, I say no to mark and recall because spontaneous teleportation doesn't fit in the lore. I would say allowing people to use set portals in mage's guild to travel between mage's guilds in each city. But no mark and recall, I was glad when they finally removed it from the game series, here's hoping that it remains gone :foodndrink:

Teleportation is in the lore iirc it is used a few times in the books "poison song", you should read them.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:20 am

Teleportation is in the lore iirc it is used a few times in the books "poison song", you should read them.

It does fit and I like mark and recall, I would love to see the intervention scrolls return as well, I sadly did not find all of the Poison Song books but I did find a few and they are a good read.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:47 am

It does fit and I like mark and recall, I would love to see the intervention scrolls return as well, I sadly did not find all of the Poison Song books but I did find a few and they are a good read.

I agree. :thumbsup:
The poison song books can be quite hard to find all in one playthrough, you should check it out at the imperial library if you want to read them all.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:44 pm

I agree. :thumbsup:
The poison song books can be quite hard to find all in one playthrough, you should check it out at the imperial library if you want to read them all.

What like steal them, the main character is a collecter of rare artifacts and books, I think I am only missing one or two of them, I've been looking fir them like crazy...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:36 am

What like steal them, the main character is a collecter of rare artifacts and books, I think I am only missing one or two of them, I've been looking fir them like crazy...
Great website for when you dont want to (or cant) find the books ingame.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:53 am
Great website for when you dont want to (or cant) find the books ingame.

Oh wow, :facepalm: I thought you was talking about the one in game thanks I bookmarked the page thats great. :goodjob:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:24 pm

Daggerfall(Oblivion+consequences) + Morrowind with scenery + Mounts.

But I've already posted this, haven't I? In another thread maybe.

Daggerfall FT

BTW, I have no idea what would happen if I keep traveling recklessly. I haven't played that long yet. :)

PS. I don't understand the "previously visited locations" principal. It doesn't make any sense. If we are supposedly walking/riding, we should be able to walk/ride anywhere. A "known/told/marked locations" principal would serve as precise location to click with previously visited locations being faster to travel(ingame time). The problem with map click traveling is the lack of downsides. If my warrior is out in the woods and has 1 health point, he must be risking his life with an encounter to fast travel by walk/ride. Survival gameplay must be a part of it.

Not to mention the importance of immersive in-game traveling options. If RDR is going to stay ahead of TES in that aspect, I have nothing to say. :spotted owl:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:04 am

When using services i.e. like a Dilligence or Mammoth or whatever they will be (if at all), I would like to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. A player has to eat too :P
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:26 pm

I'm all for a travel network as long as it isn't available 24/7. It needs to have set times that they are available and the rest of the time they are traveling, taking other people in their travels. Also, I say no to mark and recall because spontaneous teleportation doesn't fit in the lore. I would say allowing people to use set portals in mage's guild to travel between mage's guilds in each city. But no mark and recall, I was glad when they finally removed it from the game series, here's hoping that it remains gone :foodndrink:

I like the idea of it not being open all the time. Actually, perhaps have it similar to the Might and magic travel system, where the caravans would head for different places depending on which day of the week it was? ... aah I miss Might and magic
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Helen Quill
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:36 am

I think "fast travel" should actually be "slow" in that it takes your character longer than might be expected. So, if you have a time sensitive mission, it's better to walk, ride, or pay for a service that has specific times. Obviously, in game the time will still be faster, but your character is actually traveling for longer.

I really, really dislike Oblivion style fast travel. But I understand why some people want it, and I'm not advocating annoying them by taking it out in the way I've been annoyed by having it forced upon me.

All I'm asking for is options. Boats, guides, or even just horses I don't have to dismount from to fight. Also? I wouldn't need fast travel half the time if you fixed your quest design. Fighter's Guild (A) sending me to do a mission in City (Z) WHICH HAS IT'S OWN FREAKIN' GUILD, is absolutely, 100% leotarded.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:50 am

PS. I don't understand the "previously visited locations" principal. It doesn't make any sense. If we are supposedly walking/riding, we should be able to walk/ride anywhere.

I always figured the character has to know the route the location by having previously visited it. Which is why Oblivion's PC could fast travel to all cites from the beginning (of course i modded that off ASAP :D).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:12 am

Let me start by saying I don't care for fast travel and don't use it personally, but I, unlike some, understand that I'm not the only one playing this game, and that my preferences aren't the only ones that matter. So I think its good to have it in the game and I can understand the argument made by those people that want a realistic alternative to the point and click of Oblivion.

Now I didn't really bother reading through all the posts so if this has alreadry been brought up by someone--sorry.

With all that said, here's my idea.

Since it is Skyrim, and since this could loosely fit into the established 'lore' and culture of that society, I think the most practical form of fast travel that they could implement in the game(besides caravan, mammoth, etc.), is to utilize some kind of ancient Thu'um transport, by shouting you across the map. Perhaps scattered throughout the game world, and in each major city, there could be small mystical ruins or ancient pieces of architecture that had been magically infused(enchanted) ages ago by the most powerful 'tongues' of old, with the ability to transport people by shout. Something similar to the size and design of the Ayleid Wells in Oblivion, but with a nordic style, and maybe each could house a large crystal at its core, which when struck with a rod or activated with a spell or something will ring and then reverberate with the sound of the shout, carrying whoever activated it, wherever they wish to go. Whats more, is that since its already been stated that the cities won't be sealed off from the rest of the gameworld, they could, in theory, create a cool animation in which you dissolve and become one with the shout, speeding across the land with the sound and the wind, before re-materializing at your destination.(WOULD REALLY MAKE FAST TRAVEL SEEM MORE LIKE 'FAST TRAVEL') :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt: :bolt:
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:52 am

I'm all for a travel network as long as it isn't available 24/7. It needs to have set times that they are available and the rest of the time they are traveling, taking other people in their travels. Also, I say no to mark and recall because spontaneous teleportation doesn't fit in the lore. I would say allowing people to use set portals in mage's guild to travel between mage's guilds in each city. But no mark and recall, I was glad when they finally removed it from the game series, here's hoping that it remains gone :foodndrink:

mark and recall was in morrowind. you can have different people at different hours for travel but i wouldnt limit it to certain hours for operation. alot of people play vampires so that could end up screwing with them.
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