Characters at your disposal

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:30 pm

For myself personally, I can only RP a single character at a time. But I have played many characters overall. I guess you could say I practice serial monogamy.

I guess it's polygamy here, because I always have three or four active characters going, along with several "semi-retired" characters who have basically accomplished what they set out to do. None of my characters do "everything."

I use an alternate-start mod which allows me to control where the character enters the world, and that allows me to launch the character in a unique fashion right from the beginning. Most of my characters have never seen the Emperor, never heard of the Blades, and never will see an Oblivion Gate. Since I don't run two similar characters at the same time, there's really no confusion about who has done what.

Just as an example, I currently have:

A Bosmer who arrived in Cyrodiil as a stowaway on a Pirate ship, and who is in the Thieves Guild...
A Nord mercenary who was shipwrecked north of Anvil, and who has become caught up in the Knights of the Nine quest...
An Altmer conjurer/illusionist who has recently become archmage of the Mages Guild...
A Redguard who is disillusioned with the Fighters Guild, and who is making a living collecting and selling artifacts...
A Breton who is caught in an ethical dilemma in the Shivering Isles...
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Catherine N
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:09 am

As I understand it, many players have made several characters in Oblivion. I have only one, a dunmer named Lothran, and we have travelled through Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles for four years now with no end in sight.
In a RP sense, making new characters is no option for me. As I only have this life, so do I only have one in Cyrodiil. May seem boring to some, but the way I see it, after been having this one character for four years we have truly bonded and experienced so much together.
To me that′s worth a lot!

Btw this is my first poll :)

EDIT: To clearify, I meant how many characters you have made in total, not just the ones that are active. The headline may be misleading

Haven't played this game a lot, but I did made at least 10 or so on ps3.
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Jamie Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:23 pm

I've made quite a few. One reason is that I needed to find characters that worked for me. Another is because I seem to have bad luck--either my character would get accidentally deleted by either myself or others, or something with my character's file would glitch up and not be fixable...Plus I like variety...
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:36 am

According to my game save archives: 6. There have been a few more character concepts that I scrapped before playing long term, but I'll go with six since that's the # of characters that I've put serious time into.

"Serial Monogamy" describes me pretty well too... I only work on one character at a time.

I haven't actually played Oblivion since 10/09... thinking about putting some more time into it. I had started up a fairly ambitious character project, but got burnt out/distracted long before completing it. I'd like to actually finish it at some point before TES V arrives.
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Sista Sila
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:10 am

I have 5 that I use right now. I probably have had 100+ characters. On the PC version I've modded all my characters into a save and have added them to the game and since I have a companion mod I take them around with me as back up, I have to pay them though because they are all in the fighters guild and my current character is not. Although he is going to join soon so he can use their services for free.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:19 pm

I must've made about 20-30 odd characters, very few lasting more than a couple of hours. There's something big coming up, though, I'm sure of it.
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Brooks Hardison
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:34 am

I'd invested about 35+hours of game time in my first character, Pasha Darken, (Bosmer, thief) and then the PS3 died, so was forced to start again. I only play one at a time, and until my current character (Twyla Dovig, Breton) I had always focussed on the quests. This time round I have a trader, who's nearly at 100 mercantile - first time I've ever maxed that skill, and can't wait til I have...! But she's very weak on blade and marskman, which disappoints me.

I have had characters who've completed all the main quest lines and I justify it in that they got disillusioned with how life was turning out (huh, being Arch Mage is a total drag etc), and ran away/took a sabbatical/had a career change, or something significant happened in their life (good or bad) which changed the course of their lifestyle. After all, that happens in real life too...

One character I haven't played for ages (Portia Brood, Dunmer), did just that, had houses everywhere, loads of money and treasure, so she sold all her loot, gave away all her money and started again with leather armour and a mundane blade, living wild off the mountains north of Bruma.
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hannah sillery
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:57 am

All total I've made 7 characters, 4 warriors, 2 scouts, 1 battle mage. I prefer warriors simply because I believe magic should support a character, not define it. Also I like the warrior class since to me it's the most balanced. Powerful in melee combat, a good shot with a bow, can use heavy armor or light, sneak around with the best of them, and still use magic when necessary.
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:38 pm

Close to 200. All killed off by permadeath system :flamethrower:
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:05 am

Close to 200. All killed off by permadeath system :flamethrower:

Holy cr**p! And all of them with DiD? :ooo:

None of them could have gotten very far I guess :dead:
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