I'm sure you'll find something else to find and do in oblivion. And, like you said, if you truly feel like you've expired the game, then start over, play as someone different, be someone different. Instead of answering people with kindness, act harshly instead, or vice-versa. Either way, there is always something for you to find. And if, at the very end, you still feel like you've taken everything oblivion has to give, move on to another RPG. Begin a new life in another world and wait until the epicness of Skyrim storms planet Earth.

Try the Fable series, or even Dragon Age. Or if you're feeling nostalgic, or haven't tried it before, go back in time and play Morrowind again, Oblivion's predecessor. That game was classical in every way, and it is filled with as much life, and adventure as Oblivion had, and more in some regards. So there are always options to sate your exploration and quest finding needs. You just have to look for em. Good Luck ^^