Do I have to sacrifice something in one department for another always? Can't I have a good story, a large world and awesome graphics at the same time in 3D?
It ain't just story that is taken in to consideration (though the story department still need to work on it and stop making ambiguous good and evil), there also questlines and quest path within the questline. Then there the general mechanic that make all interaction from using magic to hit something with a sword that need to be refined. Then there the AI and animation department of making the NPC a bit more natural and in some case, surreal. Setting up the basic structure from there and than debugging the whole thing to make sure the game is running fine. There is many things going on that I doubt they have no time to look into other stuff that are just for the "wow" effect like S3d or Natal.
If it isn't working for you, then it isn't working for you. But just because it isn't working for you, asking it not to be considered by devs is a little selfish, don't you think? I mean what if color blinds objected to color TV? 

Or the deaf cannot hear the wonderful sound of ambient sound/soundtrack or the one that lost their function the of of their arms cannot play the game efficiently or blind cannot enjoy the game in general. :rolleyes:
I have to agree with vtastek on this one though. I'm a bit confused as to why many think that bethesda would have to sacrifice the story in order to enable 3d. If it's as easy to do as everyone is making it out to be, then why not include it, or at least leave it as an option? It's not like the people working on the graphical aspects of the game are also responsible for writing dialogue too.
Because time and resource need to be taken into consideration. Doing one thing would drain some portion of the resource to another. Leaving it as an "option" would only svck up resource and hope that the minor party would actually the resource, which that would seem to be very inefficient seeing that the general overall fanbase/buyers would not able to enjoy 100% of the game because 1% - 5% of the resource was use to make gimmicky features.
As was said before, 3d is the future, whether you're personally comfortable with it or not. If tesV is going to still be another year or two, it wouldn't make much sense from a marketing standpoint to release the game in 2d when every other new game will be in 3d. There's a reason theaters are able to charge so much for 3d movies, they appeal to the masses. Like it or not, this forum represents maybe 1% of the tes fanbase, and the most hardcoe at that. Everyone here is going to buy the game no matter what, it's the millions of 14 year olds out there that need convincing, and what better way to do that than with flashy graphics?
3D isn't going anywhere, but at the same time, it isn't that big in term of usage for any media. It was fad in the 80s and from the looks of it, its a fad now. As for Marketing Standpoint, Bethesda already trump that with being the only RPG sandbox that offer what it offer compares to the other company. They do not have to worry so much on competition and they do not have to go gimmick in the process. As for the Forum being 1% of the fanbase, it may or may not be true (I view a good 10%-17%) but seeing this thread, I view only 0.3% - 0.9% within this thread wanting 3D feature, that is a low percentage the overall. Those 14 years? Easy convince with killing things. I am generalizing this, but they are not that hard to get them to buy the game.
I think it would be wise for nvidia, now AMD/ATI and other 3rd party S3D vendors to place demos in places like Best Buy and etc. One review I read said since its impossible to show/explain how amazing the setup was he took it to a local Best Buy and they allowed him to setup a demo booth. He recorded the peoples reactions on camera and it pretty much summed up reviews on the web, people were just amazed.
If they did that people could see that the same game the pick up off the shelves for 2D play is the same game played in the demo machines. I remember when people said Mario 64's 3D gameplay was just a gimmick and side scrollers are for the true hard core gamers. I also remember the dizziness and sickness I felt after playing Golden Eye for only a few minutes. Now I run around in Oblivion for a few hours and have no trouble, and I can't find almost any side scrollers anymore.
If they did that people could see that the same game the pick up off the shelves for 2D play is the same game played in the demo machines. I remember when people said Mario 64's 3D gameplay was just a gimmick and side scrollers are for the true hard core gamers. I also remember the dizziness and sickness I felt after playing Golden Eye for only a few minutes. Now I run around in Oblivion for a few hours and have no trouble, and I can't find almost any side scrollers anymore.
Its the "wow" effect. Same goes when the Wii was release. It went "Wow" with the the use of Motion Control but after a few the gameplay, there nothing really different about the control other than that it tires the arm faster.
And also, 3D ingame does NOT equal 3D that pop out the screen. Ya confusing one another.