The Legion has retreated deep into Arizona, due to the persistence of The Chairmen, a massive Mafia run by Benny that has taken over New Vegas. All incarnations of Caeser are dead, or lost. To make matters worse for the Legion, the New California Republic have made there way around the Mojave Desert, hoping to surround it and take back New Vegas one day. This means that Arizona finds itself under constant siege on a daily basis. The Legion loses more and more soldiers, territory, and morale with every attack upon it's borders.
The end however, is not nigh... as the NCR begin to gather all there might in the area to march into New Troy, a Legion City within the mountains of Arizona, Legion soldiers prepare for war. Lead by General Vathris Mars, the strongest gather at the Legion-Built Fort Red-Sand. It is here, they prepare there catapults, arrows, and blades to fight back the onslaught of NCR that is soon to come within 48 hours. It is here, that the future of the Legion and the NCR will be decided.
Basically, this roleplay is going to be... a battle of Helms Deep, for lack of better term. In it, you play as either someone of the NCR, or of the Legion. The Legion players roles will be to strategically maintain defense points while knowing when to go on the offence, whereas the NCR players roles will be to strategically hit Legion defense points, keep there supply lines intact, and basically keep the Legion from slipping out of there fort while killing them.
I don't have this idea fleshed out yet, but i'm in my last week of school so I will have plenty of time to devote to this roleplay come friday. I merely need to know what you folks think of the idea.