Head Wear
Eye Wear
Lower Face - face mask, etc
Neck - Necklace/amulet/etc
Quiver - Ammo
Back - cloak/pack
Ring 1
Ring 2
Pauldron Left
Pauldron Right
Vembrace Left - Covers around wrist and lower arm. Vembraces/bracelets
Vembrace Right - Like above but on the right!
Glove Left
Glove Right
Foot Wear
"Under" wear
Torso - Shirt/etc
Legs - Pants/etc
Socks - socks/stockings/ etc
Left handed item slot - Equipment in use.
Right handed item slot - Equipment in use.
Over wear - Certain articles of clothing like Cloaks, tabbards, coats, robes, etc can go over armor.
Also certain armour may overlap into other slots. Example: Gauntlets would take up both the vembrace and wrist slot. Or a mask may take up the eye wear, lower face, or even head wear slot.
Also customizable underwear while we're at it. Why does everyone wear the same same loin cloth.

My ideal set up to amour slots.