Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64bit
Processor: Intel® Core i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67 GHz 2.67 GHZ
Memory: 6.00 GB
Motherboard: ASUS P6T
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285 - !GB on board
Game Resolution: 1920 x 1080
I use all high res textures and play on Ultra High
My game is crashing still at 1.7 GB of memory usage. I know its cause by memory usage because if I drop down to Low or Very low using the oblivion launcher I can play the entire game crash free...Plays that way for about 7 hours before I got pissed because everything looked so crappy.
I am using the 4GB Patch which doesn't seem to be making an difference because I crashed at 1.7GB of memory usage before I installed to as well.
any help would be appreciated.