Wrye Bash Patch Import Scripts

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:31 pm

Hi there,

I've been messing about with some of the settings from OC_Darker_Nights and Darker Dungeons and I've also started using import guard names for my Wrye Bash patch, and I noticed that the Guard names seem to be dynamically allocated each time the bash patch is built. I assume that this is done by some kind of script for Wrye Bash but I've been unable to find any info on it. It would be great if someone could point me in the right direction.

This approach would seem perfect for the modifications I'm doing to OC_Darker_Nights as all I'm doing is applying a percentage of the original colour values to the night weather settings. If this could be done dynamically then it should work not only for my settings but for any weather modifications that were installed. Darker Dungeons takes the same kind of approach but applies absolute black to the ambient lighting in dungeons, I would rather have a little lighting left so a script applied to the bash patching process would be ideal. Perhaps this could have an opt-out name list for castles and other bright locations. This would mean that it would also work for dungeons introduced by mods. Let me know if this sounds like a good or bad idea.
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