I don't generally trust google with things like that. A lot of people have similar problems but usually their solutions don't really help me. I like the support more personal.
Often times, setting the .exe's color mode to 256 color resolves this. Also, the F2 restoration patch has additions like a selectable resolution, and higher color bit rate. Works for me!
Sometimes color bugs can be pretty interesting, several times in the first two games I got this bug that replaces the red outlines in combat with red white and blue ones.
Sometimes color bugs can be pretty interesting, several times in the first two games I got this bug that replaces the red outlines in combat with red white and blue ones.
Norwegian style! :thumbsup:
Or wait... you may be referring to some other country's flag?
That happens to me every once in a while when it does I just press the button with a flag that brings up the start menu and it minamizes the game and when you bring it back up its back to normal until it happens again. its not a fix but it works
Catch 22... The movies in the game are 256 color paletted videos; This causes problems with running Fallout in non 256 color screen modes. Can't have it both ways.
Ahh, well I installed the restoration patch and ran it in administrator mode. It works peachy keen now. The only weird thing is my eyes just feel like its so out of place because most of the things that were broken didn't look so bad as if I would notice that it was messed up.
Ahh, well I installed the restoration patch and ran it in administrator mode. It works peachy keen now. The only weird thing is my eyes just feel like its so out of place because most of the things that were broken didn't look so bad as if I would notice that it was messed up.