Made by gods? Those little dragonlings I was hacking to pieces in Daggerfall the other day sure weren't exactly godly. Where in lore has it even been stated that mages can create dragons? Mages don't create what they summon, they summon them from the planes of Oblivion and the article didn't mention anything about summoning, anyway. How much do we even know about Elder Scrolls dragons? Dragons have been intelligent, flying, town-wrecking reptiles in most forms of fiction, and from what we know, it's no different in TES universe. It's never even been said that dragons are created by gods, which, again, leads me to wonder what people are talking about. There was a Smaug-like dragon mentioned in Arena that took over a Dwarven lair. In Daggerfall, little dragonlings were a common enemy. In Battlespire, a dragon was mentioned as having been ridden. In Redguard, the main character killed a dragon used as a tool by the Imperial Empire (there's a dragon following orders). A book from Knights of the Nine mentions some wyrm guarding a relic in a ruin. Skyrim has firebreathing monstrosities. In the end, it's also still a dragon being ridden.
The thing is that dragonlings aren't dragons cubs or something like that... they are completely different creatures. Dragons disappeared long time ago.
The only things I can think of is stuff like half-races, liches, guns, or other silly things.
With half-races... do you mean hybrids? Because they already exist, just look ar Agronak gro-Malog. Well, they are possible between mer (orcs included) and men, and they are basically like their mother's race, with just some atributtes from the father.