» Sat May 28, 2011 5:47 am
Well yes, I could do that, but I liked the arrangement (It was a castle) of the pieces, and the person made essentially a whole new tileset and a whole new set of scenery for just this one mod, The castle exterior alone was made of over 150+ pieces, and the interior is...probably the same, but I didn't count the inside because I gave up on trying to figure out how much the outside is made of...
Anyways, you will have to expand on draging and dropping a folder in the CS, but more on that in a minute, first I just want to know if there is a way to correct the current issue at hand, since I have already done a lot of work into the mod, I would really hope I don't have to restart, I would be so very disappointed...and may potentially just trash this mod if that is the case.