Incrediblly dumb question...

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:38 am

It shows how long it's been since I did any modding for Oblivion =x

Basiclly I have a script that would cause a bunch've mooks enter a room, set down a pile of treasure (container), go through all the containers in a dungeon and deposit their contents into the treasure pile. The activators to transfer the contents of the chests work fine, the tokens to ensure 2 mooks don't re-loot an empty chest etc they all work fine. Just one small problem exists... I can't find the command to actually make the creatures walk up to the chest, activate just activates (and fails if they're out of range) and I can't seem to find any existing scripts that do what I want I can decipher.

Packages don't allow a dynamic target (Short of me making a dozen dynamic x-markers, a dozen follow scripts and a pointer to shuffle through them), and there is no "Follow x" command I can see in the CS function list. If this were NWN I'd just want "ActionWalk(container)", but I don't see anything along those lines in the list... can anyone prompt me with what the command is I'm looking for to make an NPC walk to a reference specified in a script

(For the curious I'm working on a simplified companion mod currently going by the name "Minionz" which lets you recruit disposable mooks like goblins or undead all overlord-style to fight your battles, loot dungeons, collect ingrediants and carry your vendor trash. Key thing is unlike regular companion mods there's no menus or dialogue. Just a command key and a left or right click on the environment and the minions interpret that into a course of action. I installed a ton of companion mods to help my alchemist but got fed up that by the time I'd go through 6 layers of dialogue with 5 party members and then gone through their inventory 5 times to collect the herbs I ordered them to gather I could've collected them myself and decided I needed something simpler)

Edit: Hmm... might it work if I were to make the loot activator an item that on being picked up treats the nearest container to it's collector as the source container, toss a bunch've these items (via a script) into all the containers I want looted, and then give the mooks a package that tells them to sniff out and collect those items (Triggering the onAdd effect and transferring the appropriate items to the looting mob). While it might not be 100% accurate in determining which container the item came from with a little care it should still have the same net result (The mooks cleaning out all the chests and piling up in), gonna have to try that out tommorow.

Edit edit: Yeah, that worked. Got my minions harvesting, looting and dropping the booty off like pros ;)
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 am

I just have to say, this is really, really REALLY cool.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:59 pm

Well done.. :thumbsup:
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 am

wow, pretty amazing stuff
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