That said, here is the character concept:
The class is called "Hell Hunter" - essentially a dark arts arcane warrior. A hand to hand expert who also utilizes "dark" magics. My playstyle also naturally leads me to sneak / marksman tactics. Comes from my Morrowind character with was a stealth archer, and the first Oblivion character I ever made was a remake of my Morrowind character. Magic wise, the RP of it is that the character specializes in magic that can manipulate and control souls - thus Conjuration for summoning, Mysticism for things like Soul Trap, Detect Life, etc... but combat wise I want to be able to get up face to face in the mix of things and duke it out back and forth with the baddies. Lots of armor so I can take the hits that the enemies dish out, and 2 handed swords so I can dish it out in return.
So then, what I have is Blade, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Mysticism, Marksman, Sneak
I'm happy with all of those choices, and they've all worked out for me. What I'm torn on is the 7th skill, and my choices are Alteration or Destruction.
Alteration, because I love the Shield line of spells. I know that I already have Heavy Armor, but I also like the thought that the Shield spells will make me even MORE durable in combat. I like the thought that with a full set of Heavy Armor, and a nice Shield spell, I can run into combat and not have to worry about dying because I can take loads of punishment. Shield spells will also help because I will not be carrying physical shields for that added armor, since I will be using 2 handed weapons, and since I don't efficient level, I may not get the best Endurance increases, thus not getting the ideal health gains through each level. The cons to Alteration is that the Shield spells will be the only spells I'll be using. Shield spells fit very well with the image I have of the character, but spells like Water Walking, Water Breathing, Feather, Burden, Open Lock, etc... those spells don't fit my character concept. So I'd be using an entire skill selection on just 1 line of spells. However, that boost that comes from selecting it as a Major means that I'll at least have access to higher level Shield spells sooner, and thus, have a head start towards being able to acquire even more.
Destruction because I would love to have the added damage potential. Despite the fact that I've never finished Oblivion, I've played it plenty, and I know how tough the Planes of Oblivion can get, especially with the leveling system. Even though Marksman is a major skill of mine, I'm not going to be the most efficient ranged assassin. And I know I won't be one shotting Daedra in Oblivion, and am going to have to have extra ways of dishing out damage. Destruction can help me make short work of some pretty beefy enemies. I also feel like throwing fireballs at people, and giving my enemies weaknesses, and damage over times and all of that, fits pretty well with the idea of a "dark mage". I'd like being able to drop some DoT's, or Weakness to
There's also the possibility that I drop Marksman and Sneak, and take both Destruction and Alteration, and add Block as my last skill, since even though I'll be using 2 handed weapons, I do block a lot. But that svcks because my natural playstyle leads to a Sneak / Marksman combination, because I like being able to get the drop on people, even if I'm not exactly a ranged archer / assassin type of character. Plus, I want to be part of the Dark Brotherhood, and Sneak at the very least is a good skill to have for sneaky assassinations.
So my choices are:
Blade, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Mysticism, Marksman, Sneak, Alteration
Blade, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Mysticism, Marksman, Sneak, Destruction
Or, least likely, but possible:
Blade, Heavy Armor, Conjuration, Mysticism, Alteration, Destruction, Block
And yes, I do realize that I can use minor skills just as well as major skills, but except for a couple exceptions, I typically like to stick to using my 7 major skills exclusively. It's never felt "right" to me using skills like Marksman, Sneak, or magic skills, or the like in a heavy fashion when they aren't part of what makes up my class.