Bought Oblivion 1 year ago, and when I finally got the hang of it I found out what a fantastic game this is

My first and only serious character so far was a classic orc warrior, who finished MQ and just slashed through everything in his way.
On my next character I wish to use more of both magic and stealth. I'm not a fan of the bow, so my thought was to make a stealth fighter, who uses magic to reach his goal.
"First of all, I wish to say that I'm planning on roleplaying this guy to some extent, but still wants to be somewhat able to kill enemies, thus I'm leaving sneak and alchemy as minors, even though I'm going to use those skills a lot.)
Race: Redguard - I like the fact that they are described as very talented warriors, making it ideal that they would be able to make a clean, one-hit-killing, sneak attack based more on technique, than strenght.
Birhtsign: I'm leaning towards the Thief because of the huge boost in 3 attributes, but also keen on both The Mage and The Atronach even though The Atronach is somewhat of a challenge.
Attributes: Strength and Intelligence - He needs to be strong to deal damage, and intelligent to plan out the sneak attacks and use magic.
Specialization: Stealth would be obvious, but so many skills there that I'm not going to use... Maybe magic would be more useful?
Acrobatics: He needs to be able to take alternative routs to his target in order to make a sneak attack.
Armorer: He's a loner, so fixing his gear is something he has to do on his on.
Conjuration: He's trained in the darker arts of magic, so summoning evil demons to his aid is just essential, for a decoy and back-up.
Light Armor: Offers protection, but he can still be fast and mobile.
Blade: Well, obvious

Restoration: Normally a healing skill, but he's going to use the "Absorb Health" aspect of it... He can literally "svck the essence of life" out of humans and creatures

Illusion: Good for stealth, but even better for it's "dark powers".. Controlling minds is simply amusing to him, before executing the poor souls.
Sooooo, any thought or recommendation?

PS. As mentioned above I left out alchemy and sneak as majors, since they level so insanely fast.