Here's the rules, bet you can't follow them to level 20 and first start the mainquest and complete it by then:
The only spells you may cast are greater powers and the spells from your skill (except for soultrap you are allowed to get that).
You must be born under the serpeant.
Your mayor skills must be: Acrobatics, Alchemy, Block, Weapon skill of choice (blade, bow, blunt), A magic skill of choice, sneak, and security. Your favored attributes must be streangth and luck. You can chose whatever specialisation you want.
You cannot fast-travel.
You may not change the difficulty bellow or above medium.
You can enchant and make/use potions (never sell 'em) freely or use pre-enchanted clothing, armor, and weapons.
You cannot repair weapons/armor nor wear armor with 0 armor points... (But you can take it to a smith and get it repaired)
Here's some advice:
Use alchemy as a poison not potion...
Make much use of sneak.
What do you think?
Sorry for bad grammer my spelling check is messed up.