Perhaps MMM extra wounding ... try disabling it and rebuild bashed patch (if you use one).
If it happens everywhere to most NPCs it may not be it.
If that is the issue then it could be a mod conflict (as I've not seen that be the case when all by itself) there is a mod by Kuertee that is packaged in with his mod called kuertee MMM OnLoadCS disabled hmf effects.esp that attempts to address this (it does in my game anyway).
This is a guess though the best bet is to post your full load order using Wrye Bash if you can.
ah thnx... i think thats the problem... i turned it off and havnt had a problem with it since... so i think thats it but we'll see
If your npcs are walking into walls, and you are near water the cause might be MMM - DiverseWaterlife.esp.
The one that was packaged with the last MMM release was bugged, so there's an update listed in the MMM thread, second or third post.
im not 100% sure it was always near the water tho i did notice it alot in the imperial water district so ill take a look for that update =) thnx
By any chance are you using realistic fatigue? I've had the same thing happen to me a couple of times to guards in the Imperial City, I was trying to figure out what caused it but it didn't happen regularly enough, so I just forgot about it.
im not.. i think it was due to the wounding in mmm.. my npcs were just laying down like they were dead (not all of em but some...) or while i was fighting they would just fall over and get back up lol
thnx for the help guys.. i was having aproblem with crashes btu i think its cause i had gems and gem dust activated...according to boss thats not compatible with a full install of ooo sooo... yea game seems to be running alot better now

hopefully it holds up =)