You know, I want this game to be advlt in any meaning possible, so it should not be dumbed down like the current trend of TES games.
TESII targeted more advlt players than TES III and it targeted more advlt players than TES IV, concerning the body parts shown, witty and advlt story references, complexity of puzzles to be solved, and hand holding of the game mechanism.
But the amount of gore is increasing in each iteration, and I do not know how to interpret this trend in the current TES games.
If they are targeting younger players and should show less skins and make less complex game mechanisms, then why provide more gory scenes, but if they want to show more gore for advlt players, then why dumbing down in other sides of the games?
I hope they fully target this monster slaying game for the full advlts, regarding all the facts of life, and death, but cut the excessive gore, and add to advlt stories and complex problems to be solved, and provide less hand holding in the game mechanism, and let us do the hard work to gain more satisfaction, when a problem is solved.