I think Morrowind Overhaul is a great place to start if you want to get into the game right away.
For game balance I'd suggest BTB Game Improvements: http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=7904
I'm like you but I've spent a couple of months just downloading and trying out mods. There have been a lot of mods over the
last 8 years

If you want to take the long road like me with a possibly better experience later, then I really suggest using Wrye Mash
and figuring out the Installers feature. The basic idea is you can place downloaded mods in the C:\Morrowind\Installers directory
and Wrye Mash can safely install and uninstall the mod files, restoring overwritten extracted files as needed. (If you don't use
Wrye Mash and just extract the mods yourself the problem is it's too hard to uninstall a mod later since everything gets dumped into the same place.)
Wrye Mash can usually figure out mod archives' structure but you can also take each mod and massage it into
your own archive (e.g. 7z files) with a canonical (meaning standard) form (i.e. esp's and Meshes and Textures directories in the root of the archive file).