» Sat May 28, 2011 4:58 pm
I figured out a pretty good way to do this, but I am still having some issues. I just added a few things to the result script in the terminal menu. What I did is set up a travel package that is to be executed when the pod door is open. I then have it return to the pod via MoveTo Reference (XMarkerheading in the pod), and this seems to work well. The issue I am having is that the travel package seems to be working inconsistently. When I first enter the cell the functions/packages execute perfectly. The protectron begins its travel package, and once it gets there I can return it to the pod and it will go back into a shut down state (Not active). Once I leave and come back the packages seem to act oddly. The protectron seems to ignore the conditions of the Travel package now (OpenState MyPodRef == 1). Even though the pod door is closed and the Protectron has been moved to the Xmarker Heading, it continues to try and execute its travel package. Why would this seemingly work fine at first, then begin to screw up?
I'm thinking that I should change the conditions of my travel package. Any ideas on how to set this up another way?