Race: Argonian or Khajiit (cause they just look cool), but personally I play as a Wood Elf, for reasons that should become obvious :tongue:
Playstyle: Thief/Archer (although I am considering starting again as some sort of mage)
Heavy Armour: I don't really use it, but the daedric armour looks pretty badass
Light Armour: used to be the full crusader set, until I accidentally became too evil to wear it, now I use the Dark Seducer armour.
Weapons: Self-enchanted daedric bows (fire/lightning) with elven/madness/amber arrows, ebony blade, shortsword of the dynamo, wabbajack :tongue:
Spell: Soul trap
Town: Bravil, Chorrol or Skingrad... or Cheydinhal... hell, they're all great, I cant choose! :shrug:
Area: Blackwood
Inn: The Bloated Float, because of the related quest 'An Unexpected Voyage'
Quest: Ahhh damnit, another tough one... The Ultimate Heist

Enemy: Flame Atronachs, Spider Daedra, Gnarls