I tried this when the package was sandbox, and it did not work. But now they are travel like the normal captives.
The problem is not they are getting back up, its that they are not sitting down. They simple stand where I place them in the geck, and dont move. I need to get them to sit down in the first place. I have a travel package for each of them, with the marker as its target, so its even more specific than the general FFSupermutantCaptives package that uses the linked ref, which I tried originally, and which did not work either... :/
The problem is not they are getting back up, its that they are not sitting down. They simple stand where I place them in the geck, and dont move. I need to get them to sit down in the first place. I have a travel package for each of them, with the marker as its target, so its even more specific than the general FFSupermutantCaptives package that uses the linked ref, which I tried originally, and which did not work either... :/
If you are using the marker as the destination, then they will go to the marker and stand there. I ran into this when trying to get my NPC to sit in a chair where I had moved a marker to. In that case I used the sandbox package, BUT not a zero radius - use like 50 units and only the 'furniture (other than beds) box.
If you have a marker that you can put a persistent reference on, use that as the Travel package desination with 0 radius, like this one: MegLucyWestSitsInMoriartys