It sure does I hope since the template was a bit messed up and I couldn't provide General info, Fatty quite friendly and gets along with everyone 'being a trader though not knowing it. Hence the Speech and Barter skill.
Venix that's good. Wait why am I acting like I know anything about this? This is my first RP. So to clarify Shes a Medic/Ninja/Markman? Kinda weird mix but I think you can make it work.
Also forget to mention some personal stuff I'm doing during the weekends will prevent me from posting on weekends.
Venix that's good. Wait why am I acting like I know anything about this? This is my first RP. So to clarify Shes a Medic/Ninja/Markman? Kinda weird mix but I think you can make it work.
Also forget to mention some personal stuff I'm doing during the weekends will prevent me from posting on weekends.
She is.... Multi talented, she prefers stealth stuff overall but can medic people if needed and well she carries a bolt action sniper rifle so given the chance she will snipe some guys