» Sat May 28, 2011 6:10 am
I wanted a province with as much potential for interesting cultural idiosyncrasies as Morrowind had while remaining important enough to set a game in. Summerset Isles would have been perfect for that.
Valenwood, Elsewyr, and Blackmarsh all seem like cultural backwaters to me personally, their cultures and races aren't important enough to set an entire game in or they seem culturally homogenous and thus uninteresting. (Maybe all three in a single game would be interesting, but individually they seem weak). Yes I know I just offended at least half the Elder Scrolls fanbase with that comment.
Skyrim seems like a good compromise between those that want an interesting and unique setting while keeping the door open for typical fantasy genre fare (which went overboard in Oblivion). The Nords have the potential to be just as interesting culturally as the Dunmer, but it's up to Bethesda to follow through with that potential. The Dragon language is a good start.