lol! I never tried Brick. I always let her die/kill her for Eugene. You are so much nicer than I am!!! And I don't want what Ashur has so I've never done him either, but Vance, omg, have I've spent so much time trying to pickpocket him. Casdin is nearly impossible as well. I just gave up on him. I've never successfully pickpocketed/RPP'd him although I know it can be done.
Oh, and I would have put Autumn on that list....
Oh, and I would have put Autumn on that list....
I never knew you had a thing for Autumn. It's the accent, isn't it?

I have not been fortunate enough to have Brick die unless I helped her out with a plasma overdose. Once I wanted both Eugene and the armor from her and spent a good 30 minutes reloading to get it. Ashur is the same way. I pickpocketed both of them twice but now I just help myself with the Groovatron :hehe:
Casdin is really tough but in my experience, he's a walk in the park compared to those two. Plus, he's more fun to whack with a stick.