[WIP] Nocking two arrows at once!

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:52 am

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Jenna Fields
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:39 am

Rev 6 of the beta is ready.

get it here:

Password on the zip is again:


This rev 6 has a few small bug fixes including the "always bounce off armor" bug. It now has new blow back, recoil and stagger effects to better mimic the mechanics of the vanilla oblivion arrows. It still does not have the "blow it badly" feature and still arrows do not stick in trees and doors.

OK, in about 1 out of 50 or 75 fights or so I get the really cool "Robin Hood" cinematic event of plugging two attackers DEAD at the same time as they are just about to over run me.
HOT DAM that is cool when it happens! :toughninja:

I wish I could get a movie of this, but it is going to take a long time for that to happen if ever.
Too bad is is somewhat rare as it requires the right circumstances and some luck!

The mod does requier some high level stats to make this worth doing it often (on auto feed) such as high marksman skill and a very good bow, but I have notice I am getting better at this so there is some player skill involved as well in getting the opponents maneuvered into the right positions!
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matt oneil
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:40 pm

ok...BIG QUESTION for those that may use this mod!

I have been racking my brains for a way to get the 2nd arrow to stick into things like crates, trees and doors and walls and such.


The moveto command has a glitch in that if you move an object (not an actor) the object is moved to another location but the GAME ART (the image of the arrow) is NOT moved. It stays RIGHT where it was when it was told to move.

So this PERFECTLY looks like it is sticking in the object it hits!

(I love finding these "clever" tricks) however that also means you cannot pull it out of the wall to retrieve it.

Now, any enchanted arrow will just disappear, so this will only effect standard arrows. This is balanced by the fact that all standard "2nd arrows" go into the actors inventory when they are hit by the 2nd arrow. So you are not cheated (over all) in arrow retrieval.

However, which is less immerse? To have the 2nd arrow bounce off everything or to have it stick in walls and not be retrievable? Personally it looks SO GREAT to see it cut into and stay in a door or wall or what ever, I think I prefer that myself.

The existing script now is very complicated to get all this to work...but...I could ...do something convoluted... like put an invisible marker at the arrow location that is "activatable" (sp?) and will allow you to retrieve the arrow. If it is not too TOO "script intensive" I will try this!
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:28 pm

Any users of Wrye bash have an adjustable option to set the percentage chance of arrows being retrievable. I usually keep mine at about 70% chance and even then I've run out of arrows.

That may be a factor you are unaware of, not directly related information but perhaps another way to think about it is to raise that rate within the mod (I don't know what default is) so that while the arrows that stick in walls etc are gone there is a higher chance of harvesting from bodies.

I've not had a chance to test this out yet, but will. Congrats on the progress.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:59 am

all right I committed myself to finding a way to allow you to retrieve the arrow even when it is stuck in the wall.

If I can find a way to make an invisible activator (like a switch the player can activate and the cross hair can see but not the player) we will be in business. I worked out all the rest of the problems with this and have a working script now. I just need to "hide" the activator from the player's eyes.

Anyone know how to make the static crystal ball nif invisible?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:15 am

Well today the power went out at work (rain water inside of a transformer blew it up for the entire complex) so we were told to go home 4 hours early.

I spent the day working out the last issues with this mod. The one I thought would be impossible, and indeed I almost gave up on on this 3 times, is SOLVED!!!!

You can now retrieve the arrows that are shot into walls and things. I was about to say "the hell with it" when one last desperate idea came to me and it worked. The issue concerned the object data not following an activator when a MOVETO command is used on it.

Activators evidently have the same issues as containers with the "moveto" command. But the normal way to solve this issue (disable once, do a set pos then enable again) did not work!

I solved this obstacle with a jack hammer approach. I issued a "disable" and "enable" 4 times in between several "set pos" commands. This did the trick! I need to edit the Wiki with my discovery as I am sure this will be needed by other modders.

Anyway I spent the rest of the day trying very hard to get the 2nd arrow to fly at the same X angle as the primary arrow but it is impossible with out some ELLETTE trigonometry skills that unfortunately I do not possess.

No big deal as you only see this as "strange" if you fire your arrows at a 45 degree angle or higher and only in 2 of 4 compass directions!Otherwise it all looks very good!

I may be releasing this by Friday.

I only have one last thing I want to try to do. I want the arrows to NOT sick in stone walls . I only want theme to stick in signs, trees and crates and doors. Not sure how I ma going to do this but I want to try.
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Lifee Mccaslin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:25 pm

I was able to do it with ref walking and some other checks.

Now if you hit a stone wall the arrow will bounce off, but if you hit a tree, or door or crate it will stick into it.
Works just as I wanted it to..er...at first.

I really wish there was a "TargetREF.GetCollsionSound" command in OBSE!

Then I could test for ANY surface made from wood!

oh well....
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:02 pm

I was able to do it with ref walking and some other checks.

Now if you hit a stone wall the arrow will bounce off, but if you hit a tree, or door or crate it will stick into it.
Works just as I wanted it to..er...at first.

I really wish there was a "TargetREF.GetCollsionSound" command in OBSE!

Then I could test for ANY surface made from wood!

oh well....
I believe I requested a couple of functions to pull that off at NifScript's thread sometime ago. Collision sound is determined by the value of the OB_LAYER_TYPE property (could be someother node entirely, can't exactly remember). You could try asking him to add those in the next release of the plugin.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:39 pm

sorry for the delay, I had a mysterious bug pop up 2 days ago and just now found it about an hour ago.

also I was struggling with a weird issue where a variable that I changed (name changed from timer to timer1 ) in the script was magically staying in the mod. The compiler would compile the variable "timer" even when it was not formated at the top of the script only because I had done so once before in the script in previous sittings.

I was told by the ellette programmer Scruggsywuggsy the ferret that this is a known issue (I did not know that until now.)

I am now putting together the read me file, but I probably will still want to test this some more for a few hours tomorrow before release. I t will be done before Monday however.

I have learned many new esoteric things about oblivion game arrows.
So once this mod is released I will be updating my combat archery mod and other arrow related mods with this knowledge.

I may become the "Reneer" (of the guards overhaul mod fame) of "arrow behavior" by the time I am done... :laugh:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:10 pm

Relz thread is on its way in about 1 hour!
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:56 am

Closed as the RELz thread is due.
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Kirsty Wood
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