Rev 6 of the beta is ready.
get it here:
Password on the zip is again:
This rev 6 has a few small bug fixes including the "always bounce off armor" bug. It now has new blow back, recoil and stagger effects to better mimic the mechanics of the vanilla oblivion arrows. It still does not have the "blow it badly" feature and still arrows do not stick in trees and doors.
OK, in about 1 out of 50 or 75 fights or so I get the really cool "Robin Hood" cinematic event of plugging two attackers DEAD at the same time as they are just about to over run me.
HOT DAM that is cool when it happens! :toughninja:
I wish I could get a movie of this, but it is going to take a long time for that to happen if ever.
Too bad is is somewhat rare as it requires the right circumstances and some luck!
The mod does requier some high level stats to make this worth doing it often (on auto feed) such as high marksman skill and a very good bow, but I have notice I am getting better at this so there is some player skill involved as well in getting the opponents maneuvered into the right positions!