2 fallout 2 questions

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:27 pm

1.where is a good place to buy ammo and guns

2.whats another good damage gun for marcus that has cheaper ammo and isnt burst
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:46 am

Marcus can only use, big guns, or Energy weapons for ranged combat. Can use unarmed weapons too. All other weapons he can't use. So find a laser Rifle or plasma rifle if you want him to shot only single shots at enemies. Also remeber to tell him to stay put so he doesn't run up and shoot point blank. He can use brass knuckles or spiked knuckles otherwise. (Powerfist uses SEC)
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Ben sutton
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:59 pm

San Fransisco, there are two weapon shops, one on the right when you enter the city and one slightly to the left of the main road, don't forget to check all the tables! Also, save and just walk around outside San Fran, you will come across Hubologists and Raiders fighting each other, the hubo's are friendly, let them fight and loot the bodies, hubo's carry the best small guns in the game G11E's, plasma grenades and powerfists whilst the raiders wield rippers, plasma grenade's and needlers, all high-end expensive stuff.
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Tai Scott
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:55 am

1.where is a good place to buy ammo and guns

SanFran, bottom right corner and on the main street as you enter. NCR by the tent as you enter.

2.whats another good damage gun for marcus that has cheaper ammo and isnt burst

Rocket-Launcher Heh-Heh.

Flamer (yeah, its burst, but so short range it shouldnt be an issue), Laser and Plasma rifle, power fist.

Personaly, I wouldn't recommend Marcus, as he'll aggro everyone on the Oil rig. I stick to humans and make sure they're power armoured up to assist on the rig.
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Dylan Markese
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