No, Tamriel means "dawn's beauty". "Nirn" means "arena". Need to keep the two distinct, as there's plenty to Nirn aside from Tamriel itself.

You are right. Sorry, my fault.
Actually, your right about what Tamriel means, your wrong what Nirn means. Arena is just the name that was given to Tamriel when Jagar Tharn was in power. After the return of Emperor Uriel Septim VII, it was no longer called "The Arena" because the chaos was ended by Uriel Septim taking control back after being freed from his prison in Oblivion.
Well, my source is Spanish Wikipedia (not very reliable, anyway), but there it says that Nirn in elven means Arena... where can I find the correct info? No doubting of you, but I would like to see myself.
Oh, I'm sure they have a plan of some kind. Like the previous TES games leading up to Skyrim, prophecising the return of the dragons.
Hopefully something cool like the Gods being revealed as shams (Mortals who attained the power of Gods and then just mucked around with the people for lulz .... Kind of like Trudi Canavan's
Eurrrh... in The Elder Scrolls, it's exactly the opposite. The Gods lose their power and become mortals. And games were not pointing to Skyrim, as far as I know. They just... improvise. With cool results.