Top 5 Things You Hope For

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:45 am

1) A distinct sense of culture, ruggedness, and having to survive in a strange world I'm unfamiliar with (ala Morrowind.) i.e. Not as traditionally medieval or western as Oblivion felt.

2) With apparent jobs and crafting being incorporated into the game now, I would like for money to be much harder to acquire, and high level loot to be more rare. For example: I'd like scaled enemies to not have their armor also scale unless they're special or pivotal characters, and I'd like the only way to become wealthy in a short time to be raising Mercantile (if it still exists) to a very high level, combined with crafting. That way money is hard to come by for those who don't do crafting or mercantile at all, reasonable to come by for those who craft (a lot of players probably will,) and easy to come by for those who craft and train in Mercantile. I'd also love for high level armor and weapons to be difficult to find or afford. Not only does this make it harder to earn money early on, but it also adds to the sense of discovery and accomplishment when you find them somewhere, can finally afford to buy them after working to earn enough money, and/or finally being high level enough in whatever the crafting system is (whether it's a skill or just a system) to create them. In short, I want it to matter.

3) Side quests that force you to research lore, and engage in subjective interpretation of it, in order to find locations, solve puzzles, or simply arrive at a theory regarding the lore itself and its true meaning or implications. TES games have such rich lore and the ability to actually read hundreds and hundreds of books in the games is a really unique and fascinating part of the experience for me. It would be awesome if that in-game research of the fictional history of the world were actually important in a quest or two. Particularly some that have you playing archeo-detective as I call it. There were a few Dwemer related quests in Morrowind that did this to a degree. I'd like to see something similar, but appropriate to Skyrim, that does the same to an even greater extent. I want to be challenged to use my imagination and interpretations rather than having everything laid out for me or explained via exposition. TES is in a unique position to do this in my opinion.

4) The ability to be a jack of all trades, but a definite penalty for not specializing, and strong incentives to specialize. On top of this, I would like highly specialized characters to truly feel different. I want dungeons and battles to allow different approaches and strategies depending on your specialties. I do not want my survivalist/ranger class to feel essentially the same as my well rounded warrior class.

5) For my actions and words to have a tangible effect on the world. I want to hear about and see(!) changes in the world that actually matter and are the direct result of my choices in the game. I want this to apply to guilds, the main quest, and side quests. I want it to apply to NPCs. I want NPCs to have different personalities and nuances that will cause them to react differently to my choices and deeds. In short, I want to feel like what I'm doing matters to people and affects the world.

The general theme to all of these is: I want to feel like everything in the game matters, and has costs and/or effects. To be fair and honest though, I only really expect #1 to really end up being hit in this game, and the others to a much, much lesser extent. If anything I expect the game to be less nuanced due to this being a new engine and the first game to use it. (Then again, they've been working on it for almost half a decade, so I may end up surprised; which is what I want, hence my expectations being low.)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:19 am

The breath and the voice are the vital essence of a Nord. When they defeat great enemies they take their tongues as trophies. These are woven into ropes and can hold speech like an enchantment.

Tongue totems, which I can speak in other voices through. Also, good conversation piece.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:40 am


It's a trap! :ahhh:
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:46 am

Still, that is no reason to nick entire guilds. I play a mage, but I'm not about to say "No fighters guild" Just because you don't use something doesn't mean it shouldn't exist for other players, or not be a part of the world. It would be boring if everything catered to being a warrior, even if I loved playing as a warrior.

this guy is makin' sense, so what if thats not relevent to your character, DON'T JOIN

it's like wiping out a part of history if they take out guilds

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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:32 am

1. Facial hair.

Yes, you heard me, facial hair. it worked in Fallout, it's a big part of designing your character and it's a pain in the ass to mod in. There is no reason for facial hair not to be included in Skyrim, especially not when we are in the land of Nords.

2. Dismemberment.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for the extreme over the top dismemberment and gore of Fallout, that's Fallout's thing. I do however want to see dismember present, if I hit someone in the throat with a broadsword, i expect the guy's head to come off, that's hardly unreasonable. it always felt silly to me that my godlike warrior who was beating down monsters like nobody's business never left a mark on his enemies. Just like Facial hair, we know it works, and there is no reason not to have it. If people are terrified of their kids learning how swords actually work, add an option to turn it off, problem solved.

3. Morrowind's armor system.

Now, if I had to choose between 2 and 3, I'd choose 2. I love having control of how my character looks, and armor is a big part of that. However, dismemberment is higher on my list of priorites, it's something that adds more realism to the game. However, I don't see why they can't work together, i think i have a fairly good idea of how it worked in Fallout 3 with the armor system, and I can see it being possible with an armor system that consists of more pieces.

4. Dark elf voices from Morrowind, and also proper gray skin.

the dunmer in Oblivion did not sound good, not to mention they sounded the same as every other elf in the game, and that did more to break immersion than seeing a pink elephant on a unicycle would, at least the latter could be xplained away as the result of some crazy wizard with a passion for brightly colured circus animals. The Dark elves in Morrowind sounded amazing, and that's what started my tradition of always playing as a Dark elf firts, they became my favourite race and when i saw that they had become blue and sounded like that, I was dissapointed. I would absolutely love to see the Dark elves come back with their proper gray skin and their gravelly voices, that's what set them apart from the others, that's what made them feel unique and interesting.

5. More variety in terms of character appearance.

Now, this is a big one for me. I love designing my character in games like this, I spend literally hours fine tuning my characters look, picking the perfect hair style and thinking up an appearance that fits his personality, backstory and playstyle. And once the mods of this tyoe come out, I spend a few hours more. This applies to pretty much everything, armor, face, hair/facial hair etc. How my character looks is extremely important to me, and playing in first person is simply not something I do, I like to see the fruits of my labours.

For example, I'd like to see more variety in armor appearance. All the armor in Oblivion looked so clean and factory made. Why not have some armor sets that are battered, scratched and patched together from years of hard use, maybe some leather armor reinforced with metal to add some protection without sacrificing too much speed (The leather armor in Fallout 3 was actually great that way, it looked versatile). How about a Barbarian walking around shirtless with a kilt made of ragged animal furs? Basically, I'd like to see some stuff for the people who like something a bit more gritty and rough. My hardened Dunmer mercenary doesn't want to wear shiny platemail, he wants to wear something lighter that's seen years of use, with scratches, makeshift repairs and bloodstains to show that this is a guy whit experience, this is a guy who kills people for a living, not someone who polishes their armor every day and play knight in shining armor.

2) With apparent jobs and crafting being incorporated into the game now, I would like for money to be much harder to acquire, and high level loot to be more rare. For example: I'd like scaled enemies to not have their armor also scale unless they're special or pivotal characters, and I'd like the only way to become wealthy in a short time to be raising Mercantile (if it still exists) to a very high level, combined with crafting. That way money is hard to come by for those who don't do crafting or mercantile at all, reasonable to come by for those who craft (a lot of players probably will,) and easy to come by for those who craft and train in Mercantile. I'd also love for high level armor and weapons to be difficult to find or afford. Not only does this make it harder to earn money early on, but it also adds to the sense of discovery and accomplishment when you find them somewhere, can finally afford to buy them after working to earn enough money, and/or finally being high level enough in whatever the crafting system is (whether it's a skill or just a system) to create them. In short, I want it to matter.

That is a good idea, however, my preferred method of making money is either stealing stuff, or killing bandits or people who seem like they won't bhe missed or just have really nice stuff I can sell off :P I'd like to see some catering for characters who see moral values as guidelines rather than rules.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:52 am

this guy is makin' sense, so what if thats not relevent to your character, DON'T JOIN

it's like wiping out a part of history if they take out guilds

Exactly, what I do. I do not join the guilds if I do not want to. Actually when Lucien LaChance visited me, I ended up killing him, as he attacked me. He appeared when I was resting in the house that you can buy in Anvil, and it was the night when the ghosts appeared. But he started it, not me. Now my murder was caused by "The Sirens Call" side-quest, I could never work it to where killing the three ladies would not be a murder. Two of them always ended up being a murder, even though it was for the Anvil guards, even using reflect damage and having that kill them still would count as a murder.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:44 pm

1: Everything they promise now

2: everything they promise now

3: everything they promise now

4: everthing they promise now

5: LESS LEVEL-SCALING THAN EVEN FALLOUT!!! Like morrowind kinda static
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:04 am

1. Playable Werewolves and vampires.
2. Spears.
3. Daedric Shrines and Daedric quests.
4.hardcoe mode
5. Crossbows?

I found it funny, before Skyrim came out, everyone was asking for Dragons and dragons, here we find it being the main thing in Skyrim. And we thought it wasn't going to happen.
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Esther Fernandez
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:51 am

1. Playable Werewolves and vampires.
2. Spears.
3. Daedric Shrines and Daedric quests.
4.hardcoe mode
5. Crossbows?

Right on!
Though I would have replaced Daedric shrines with no level scaling.
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Janine Rose
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:53 am

There is only 1 thing I want

1) A more complex RPG that rivals Morrowind rather than the "Hold your hand so you won't get lost or hurt" version of Oblivion. If I have that, I have a great RPG.
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Mimi BC
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:02 am

1) No level scaling - Placement of spawn points according to this logic: The farther you get from roads and towns, the more dangerous creatures and animals become. Boss level creatures in the wilderness and dungeons that are impossible to enter in low levels.

2) Radiant AI actually radiant: NPCs not only have a fixed agenda, but actually pursue goals this time. If they're hungry, they'll look for food, if they're sleepy, they'll look for beds. They have jobs for which they get money to spend on the economy.

3) Deadly combat: Combat with different moves, combos and finishing strikes. Ability to decapitate, detachable limbs, NPCs that surrender, non-lethal combat (for stealth users).

4) Tools designed especiafically for stealth gampleplay. Sneaking vastly improved. Also taking a hint from the mod community.

5) A main plot that is richer in scale and quality and actually feels epic. Oblivion's main plot feels like it was written to be much more epic, but was severely limited by the engine and its poor performance when handling many NPCs and great battles. It also lacked alot in character development and actual companions you care about. Let's hope we can have characters with the same degree of complexity the modding community is able to develop (Vilja comes to mind).

Technically, I expect a much better engine. Not only in the graphics department, but also in the way it handles memory in platforms that can rely on 16mb (or more) of RAM nowadays. Shadows and lighting that are CPU friendly, and water/cloth simulation.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:44 pm

Not really, they just do not fit into my gameplay style, is all. I always play as a noble knight that always does good things, not evil things. And, no, I do no think they will do any of the three, but it is what we want to see, not what we think we will see. But in the end, they are all optional to use, I have never played the Dark Brotherhood or Thieves Guild questline, nor have any of my characters drank any alcohol or used drugs.

So because you don't join DB and TG, you want them removed entirely from the game.

I do not like Oblivion's fast travel, so should I suggest it removed from the game?

I just suggest BGS to add alternative Morrowind style methods as well to make it optional, and not mandatory, with a walking all the way alternative.

You can suggest adding more guilds suitable for the knight characters, like the White Stallion types, and develop some quest lines around those factions.

And I do not use drugs and alcohols, but I would enjoy watching or even joining a Nordish tavern brawl.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:58 pm

1. Werewolves
2. Vampires
3. Assassination visuals
4. Better armor
5. Realism additions
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