Beta Version 0.6
Name: Fate Stay Nights Saber Companion Series
Version: 0.6
Date: 01/09/2010
Category: Companions
Requirements: Shivering Isles Patch, Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE), Oblivion Mod Manager (OBMM), Player-Created MOD(s): HGEC Female Body Replacer, Midas Magic Spells of Aurum, Windom Earle's Oblivion Crash Prevention System, Fast Exit, MAO Animation Resource(Created from the concepts of MAO - Mayus Animation Overhaul)
Author(s): Heiji Hatsutoli & 3DM Game Forum TES4 Community
Download Link:
I'm not very good in English because it's not my native language, please forgive me if you find any words or sentences are wrong or ridiculous.
This Mod brings Japanese Animation Character SABER from Fate Stay Night to The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion as a companion of player.
Location & Hints
Hints are in the WIP Trailer:
I'm not very good in English because it's not my native language, please forgive me if you find any words or sentences are wrong or ridiculous.
Several powers will be added to you once you successful summon SABER from the ritual. Some of these powers are already be introduced in the WIP trailer. The following informations will only contain the rest of them which are not included in trailers.
Add Magicka To Servant
SABER can absorbs some of magicka points from player. Due to the cost (5000 Magicka) of the great power "Excaliber", SABER will not be able to use the power again if her magicka points are lesser than 5000.
Add Greater Magicka To Servant
Same use as "Add Magicka To Servant", but player can be able to offer more magicka points to SABER one time. The costs of magicka using "Add XXX Magicka To Servant" powers are equal to the magicka points SABER will be restored. The higher level "Add XXX Magicka To Servant" will be added to player automatically when player's max magicka points are up to required level.
Add Grand Magicka To Servant
Same use as "Add Greater Magicka To Servant", but player can be able to offer more
magicka points to SABER one time.
Remove Servant Treature Seal
Let SABER uses her "Excalibur" by her free will. If you have used "Servant Treature Seal" before, the seal can be broken by this power.
Servant Treature Seal
Once this spell is casted, SABER will not be able to use "Excalibur" great power unless you order her to do so.
Reset Servant's Mark
Use to fix the bug. You need to use this power when sometimes you order SABER to go somewhere but she's just stand there and do nothing.
Saber essential
Let SABER be essential.
Saber Unessential
SABER will be able to killed and the companion quest will be over once she die.
Summon Saber
SABER will be summoned to player's location immediately. If she's invisible when summoned, the invisible spell will be broken and her aggression will be set to 10.
Summon Saber's Horse
SABER's stallion will be summoned to player's location immediately. If her stallion isn't far from her when you dicide to ride a horse, she will ride her horse with you, too.
Order Saber to Rest
Order Saber to rest, she will go to the nearest hotels or restaurants automatically.
Order Saber to Attack
Order Saber to attack your cast target, but she will refuse to do that if she find that target is innocent or not attack anybody "yet".
Order Saber to Attack [Incantation]
Use Spells to force SABER attack your cast target. She will ignore your order if she's already in combat. If she find that target is innocent, she will put one infamy point on your head before she start attack.
Order Saber to Follow
Order SABER to follow, has farest distance limit 9000 units. She will not be able to hear your call if you are too far from her.
Order Saber to Follow [Incantation]
Use spells to order SABER follow, no farest distance limit. She will try to reach you no matter how far or how impossible to do that.
Order Saber to Wait
Order SABER to wait, has farest distance limit 9000 units. She will not be able to hear your call if you are too far from her.
Order Saber to Wait [Incantation]
Use spells to order SABER wait, no farest distance limit. She will stand by and wait your order no matter how far or how impossible to do that.
Order Saber to Disappear
Order SABER to be invisible. The invisible servant will be forced to stop combat and will stop attack any target any more. The "Excalibur" will be dispelled if is bounded when player cast this power.
Order Saber to Bound Excalibur
Order SABER to bound Excalibur. Only possible when SABER's magicka points is more than 5000. You can only use this order once per day.
OBMM Install
0. Download Fate Stay Night Saber Companion Series 0.6
1. Highly suggest to download Duke Patricks Basic Script Effect Silencer:
This mod eliminates the sounds and the colors lights from the SCRIPT EFFECT class of magic. It will be useful if you don't want to see "fireworks" always when SABER start combats.
2. Copy OMOD file to (install folder)Oblivionobmmomod
3. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.
4. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen. (icon should turn blue)
5. The load order should be as follows:
(Other esm files)
HorseCombatMaster.esm (Optional. only useful to those install "Deadly Reflex", must be put at the bottom of all esm files.)
MAO - Animation Resource.esp (Required. Must be put at the top of esp order.)
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp (Suggested.)
(Other esp files. Weather system mods will be suggested to put here.)
(Other esp files. New worlds, new lands, new dungeons?etc.)
Duke Patricks - BASIC Script Effect Silencer.esp (Suggested. Highly suggested be merged into Bashed Patch, 0.esp if using Wyre Bash)
Fate Stay Night Saber Companion.esp
Fate Stay Night Saber Companion_Alter Dark Saber Plugin.esp
(Other esp files. New Races, new npcs, custom bodies, HGEC?etc.)
Bashed Patch, 0.esp (Optional. Only for Wyre Bash users.)
Streamline 3.1.esp(Optional. Only for Streamline users.)
DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.esp(Optional. Only for Deadly Reflex users.)
SM_DeadlyReflex.esp (Optional. Only for Supreme Magicka users.)
Deadly Reflex 5 MAO Compatible patch.esp (Optional. Only be REQUIRED if you are using Deadly Reflex. Deadly Reflex user must put this to the NO exception bottom of mod orders. )
1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager.
2. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen, click Yes. (icon should turn green)
1. Before upgrading, remove all your items from your previous Saber Companion version.
2. Uninstall old version.
3. Save your game.
4. Install new version (beta 6).
5. Start Oblivion and go find Saber again.
"Unnecessary Violence"(UV) might be incompatible with this mod because this mod have separate animation paths for SABER but this is not allowed for "UV".
"MAO - Mayus Animation Overhaul" will be supposed to worked with this mod just fine although it should be no necessary use with my "MAO Animation Resource" at the same time.
"Less Annoying Magic Experience" will be incompatible with this mod because it use too many empty magic effect slots and my "Bound Excalibur" will be washed out if you use LAME and this mod at the same time.
"DMC Stylish" or other mods that change player's animations will be fully compatible with this mod because this mod use the concepts from MAO and will not alter any player's animations.
"GGC" or "CM" or other companion mods should be worked with this mod fine because this mod use independent companion systems. But Highly suggested GGC companion mods must be loaded before this mod for perfect compatibility.
Any mods that alter the "Gottlesfont Priory" interior will not be compatible with this mod because simply alter the same place.
Known Issues or Bugs
None for now. READ the Incompatibility for more informations.
1.0, 2010/01/09 - Initial release.
You can find me on the official Elder Scrolls forums as 'hatsutoli'
You can find me on TESNexus as 'hatsutoli'
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to for the a one-stop-shop resource for authors and players.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to ElminsterAU for the TES4EDIT tool.
Thanks to Timeslip for the Oblivion Mod Manager.
Thanks to Wrye for the Wrye Bash.
Thanks to TYPE-MOON for creating Fate/Stay Night.
Thanks to Ian Patterson, Stephen Abel, Paul Connelly for the Oblivion Script Extender.
Thanks to rMnQw36FcH for the GGC Valeria and Vincente Companion Revived from TESNEXUS.
Thanks to Xilver for the Midas Magic Spells of Aurum from TESNEXUS.
Thanks to HENTAI for the Dark Rose Set from TESNEXUS.
Thanks to Duke Patrick(SCA) for the Dragon and the Sword of Might Quest from TESNEXUS.
Thanks to beni for the DMC Stylish - Animation Replacer from TESNEXUS.
Thanks to idkrrr for the Corean mod from TESNEXUS.
Thanks to soifon for the Caliburn and Excalibur Alter from TESNEXUS.
Thanks to Heiji Hatsutoli for the Dialogs, Textures, Scripts and Trailer.
Thanks to Chun Chiu & Ancient Laws for some of the 3D Model.
Thanks to Allllie61 for the UV Maps and Textures.
Thanks to Dark Mayu for the new concepts of her "MAO - Mayus Animation Overhaul".
Thanks to Corel Cooperation for the Corel? VideoStudio X2.
Thanks to God for creating us all.
Tools Used
7-Zip -
3D Studio Max -
NIFSkope -
Oblivion Mod Manager -
Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) -
Photoshop -
TES4Edit -
TES4Files -
TES4Gecko -
TES Construction Set -
Readme Generator -
Wrye Bash -
You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod. I would also like to know what mods are including my work.