» Mon May 16, 2011 3:09 pm
Although Buffy owns the house in Bravil, she is rarely there and doesn't need it. She just doesn't keep much except clothes and they don't weigh so much. The few artifacts she has gathered, she turns in to the Mystic Archives for display.
She has a bag of holding, an alchemy bag, two sets of saddlebags for her mare and, of course, her inventory. She therefore always has everything she needs with her, and has no need for a fixed 'stash'.
She has a bedroll, campfire, stool and tent. When she is away from civilization, she camps. When near a wilderness inn, that is where she stops for the night. When near a city, she stays at her local mages guildhall or the University if in the IC.
She travels an awful lot and if she doesn't get home to Bravil for months, that's fine.