» Tue May 17, 2011 3:07 am
Shaman: Take advantage of the willpower boost, create a bare bones mage that uses a lot of small spells rather than nuclear spells.
Birthsign: Lady
Atts: Endurance/Willpower
Skills: Destruction, Restoration, Mysticism, Conjuration, Illusion, Blunt, Alchemy
Ranger: make a mountain man or other wilderness recluse
Birthsign: Thief
Atts: Agility, Strength
Skills: Light Armor, Blunt, Marksmen, Sneak, Mercantile, Alchemy, Athletics
BattleMaster: Super Warrior skilled in Weapons and Armors
Birthsign: Warrior
Atts: Strength, Enduramce
Skills: Blunt, Blade, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Marksmen, Sneak, Hand to Hand
My personal thoughts:
If your going to make an Orc... MAKE AN ORC!
I did the shaman thing, but thats not where its at. Playing an Orc is about attitude, and that attitude is not some scholarly or spiritual little mage frolicking about. Orcs are about fearlessly smashing and slashing your foes into nothingness. So, if your gonna play an Orc, play a super-masculine badass and enjoy things being simple. The depth of playing an Orc comes from the rush of battle. What does he stand for? What does life mean for him? What makes him proud? Who does he care about? The Orc is an individual being, a deeply inverted type. He may not be the most intelligent soul in Cyrodil (or Skyrim, or wherever he may be), but he knows how to survive, and he does have deep thoughts within his mind.
Name: Lord Zarok (gro-Straklon)
six: Male
Age: 22
Race: Orsimer
Birthsign: Warrior
Specialization: Combat
Attributes: Endurance, Strength
Major Skills: Alchemy, Armorer, Athletics, Blunt, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Marksmen
Class Name: Warlord
Theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ex8dmquJ1o
Basically this character survives on what he finds. He is strong, self-sufficient and resourceful. Blunt, Heavy Armor, and of course Alchemy are the cornerstone of this live-off-the-land style character. This is not to say that he cant use magic or sneak around and assassinate. Nor is it to say he would ever turn down a good deal. Rather it says that chiefly he knows how to survive without civilization if needs too. FIGHT WITH BLOOD, FIGHT WITH STEEL, DIE WITH HONOR, NEVER YIELD!