A new Orc

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:44 am

I am thinking about starting a Orc character, but I'm not sure what type of character I want to play. I know the Orc is a talented warrior so maybe something along that, but any advice on any type of class would be great. Try to include class and birthsign, factions fitting the character and maybe equipment if you can. Thanks for the help.
P.S: I know I have made a few of these "new character" threads lately, but that is not the issue here ;)
Edit: I am quite familiar with character creation, so that is not what I have trouble with. It is the amounts of choices I have when chosing a type of character.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:21 pm

Hi Tdroid. I see the sheer amount of choices in this game get to you too :P

I myself have never played an Orc, but an idea I'd always toyed with was a Shaman. They strike me as a rather tribal people, and well, a shaman would fit that quite well. Hopefully Zak will stop by this thread and offer his input too, as we all know he's a huge fan of Orcs ;P

My idea of a Shaman class would be:
Birthsign: Can be any, but The Atronach would fit and be a challenge.

Willpower and Strength


Of course, this class isn't the greatest of builds, and I'm sure it needs refining, I was just suggesting skills for you to use.

In my eyes, a character like this would live off the land, rarely going into towns and cities.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:00 pm

I think I like the idea of having a Shaman. I have been toying with a lot of class ideas, but never really tried them out. This is how I imagened the class though:
Spiritual leaders of tribes and clans, they have the ability to communicate with the spirits of the nature or passed life. They heal allies and destroy their enemies with the help of the spirits. They also summon creatures from death and oblivion to aid them. They also train themselves in some melee combat if their magical abilities should fail them.
Specialization: Best possible combination according to race.
Attributes: Adapt after the weakness of the chosen race.
Major Skills: Restoration, Alteration; Destruction, Mysticism, Conjuration, Heavy/Light Armor and Blade/Blunt.

Equipment: Armor and hood with a one-handed weapon, and maybe a shield.
Spells: Spirit related spells. Spirit of Fire or something like that.

It probably needs some work and any more advice would be great. Thanks
Edit: I have not chosen attributes, spesialization and two of the skills since I think shamans from different races and cultures would use different things.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:38 am

I think I like the idea of having a Shaman. I have been toying with a lot of class ideas, but never really tried them out. This is how I imagened the class though:
Spiritual leaders of tribes and clans, they have the ability to communicate with the spirits of the nature or passed life. They heal allies and destroy their enemies with the help of the spirits. They also summon creatures from death and oblivion to aid them. They also train themselves in some melee combat if their magical abilities should fail them.
Specialization: Best possible combination according to race.
Attributes: Adapt after the weakness of the chosen race.
Major Skills: Restoration, Alteration; Destruction, Mysticism, Conjuration, Heavy/Light Armor and Blade/Blunt.

Equipment: Armor and hood with a one-handed weapon, and maybe a shield.
Spells: Spirit related spells. Spirit of Fire or something like that.

It probably needs some work and any more advice would be great. Thanks
Edit: I have not chosen attributes, spesialization and two of the skills since I think shamans from different races and cultures would use different things.

I would go with heavy armour and blunt weapons for an Orc shaman.Also I would think that a shaman would be good at Alchemy,you could replace that with Destruction or level it up as a minor.Alchemy can level fast as a minor,depending how you use it,and can make you money by selling potions as well.
For specialization I would go with magick and the Atronach birthsign.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:36 am

I think Illusion could work for a Shaman. Think about it, they're very close to nature, so it makes sense for them to be able to melt into the background, and have some command over animals.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:50 pm

I have an altmer shaman :D atronach, not sure if it's intelligence or willpower, and strength, uses blunt, light armour, destruction, restoration, alteration, (can't remember others)
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:41 am

I think Illusion could work for a Shaman. Think about it, they're very close to nature, so it makes sense for them to be able to melt into the background, and have some command over animals.

Good point on blending in with the environment.
Also commanding creatures would fit as well.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:07 am

Shaman: Take advantage of the willpower boost, create a bare bones mage that uses a lot of small spells rather than nuclear spells.

Birthsign: Lady
Atts: Endurance/Willpower
Skills: Destruction, Restoration, Mysticism, Conjuration, Illusion, Blunt, Alchemy

Ranger: make a mountain man or other wilderness recluse

Birthsign: Thief
Atts: Agility, Strength
Skills: Light Armor, Blunt, Marksmen, Sneak, Mercantile, Alchemy, Athletics

BattleMaster: Super Warrior skilled in Weapons and Armors

Birthsign: Warrior
Atts: Strength, Enduramce
Skills: Blunt, Blade, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Marksmen, Sneak, Hand to Hand

My personal thoughts:

If your going to make an Orc... MAKE AN ORC!

I did the shaman thing, but thats not where its at. Playing an Orc is about attitude, and that attitude is not some scholarly or spiritual little mage frolicking about. Orcs are about fearlessly smashing and slashing your foes into nothingness. So, if your gonna play an Orc, play a super-masculine badass and enjoy things being simple. The depth of playing an Orc comes from the rush of battle. What does he stand for? What does life mean for him? What makes him proud? Who does he care about? The Orc is an individual being, a deeply inverted type. He may not be the most intelligent soul in Cyrodil (or Skyrim, or wherever he may be), but he knows how to survive, and he does have deep thoughts within his mind.


Name: Lord Zarok (gro-Straklon)
six: Male
Age: 22
Race: Orsimer
Birthsign: Warrior
Specialization: Combat
Attributes: Endurance, Strength
Major Skills: Alchemy, Armorer, Athletics, Blunt, Heavy Armor, Light Armor, Marksmen
Class Name: Warlord
Theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ex8dmquJ1o

Basically this character survives on what he finds. He is strong, self-sufficient and resourceful. Blunt, Heavy Armor, and of course Alchemy are the cornerstone of this live-off-the-land style character. This is not to say that he cant use magic or sneak around and assassinate. Nor is it to say he would ever turn down a good deal. Rather it says that chiefly he knows how to survive without civilization if needs too. FIGHT WITH BLOOD, FIGHT WITH STEEL, DIE WITH HONOR, NEVER YIELD!
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:27 pm

I think a shaman would most likely be wearing Fur armor. Maybe Leather.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:38 am

If your going to make an Orc... MAKE AN ORC!

I did the shaman thing, but thats not where its at. Playing an Orc is about attitude, and that attitude is not some scholarly or spiritual little mage frolicking about. Orcs are about fearlessly smashing and slashing your foes into nothingness. So, if your gonna play an Orc, play a super-masculine badass and enjoy things being simple. The depth of playing an Orc comes from the rush of battle. What does he stand for? What does life mean for him? What makes him proud? Who does he care about? The Orc is an individual being, a deeply inverted type. He may not be the most intelligent soul in Cyrodil (or Skyrim, or wherever he may be), but he knows how to survive, and he does have deep thoughts within his mind.

Who said that an orc shaman would be frolicking about? I would assume that he/she had been trained in the arts of war since he/she was young, hence the heavy armor and blunt skil. Sosially intergrationby other orcs would ensure skill in arms and armor, but even the orcs have a more spiritual side. An orc shaman in my opinion would be equally brutal in combat as any other and reinforce that with magic.
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