This guy there, he never said his name, was explaining to us how the motion capture worked. He talked aboput techniques, how sometimes its hard to Capture on ice. He said it was easier to work on bioskock lol...And he talked about some other projects he worked on, like Borderlands, NBA2k, etc. He mentioned briefly, and I quote.
"And this really awseme unnanounced project were working on with a studio in Maryland."
He does Motion capture exclusively.
Later, I thought, wait! Bethesda is in Maryland, Bethesda is owned by 2k because Zenimax is owned by 2k!
Didn't Todd Howard say in an interview that they would strive for better character animations in future games?
Okay, this might not be ES5, and it might not even be bethesda, but If im not mistaken, there arent many game studios in maryland, least of which are owned by 2k.
So whatever that all means, it could mean the next installment in The Elder Scrolls will have kickass motion capture animations!