I hated the look of those cutesy covers in the BookJackets mod - however clever the designs, English numbers and lettering is totally and utterly non-lore. (Think about the town signs and road markers). It's almost as bad as cats and dogs and horses roaming Vvardenfell...
The best book texture replacers I've seen are two sets: Illuminated Books by Connary - that one has the most PERFECT internal book pages I've ever seen, fully designed with Morrowind content instead of just being grabs of generic illuminated manuscripts - and http://tesall.ru/files/morrowind/replacers/?page=20#ext-books-scrolls. Between them you'll have the best set of book textures you'll ever download, with a bit of mixing and matching. Personally I moved around some of the cover textures to make sure the "series" books (like 36 Lessons of Vivec) had covers/spines that would look good stacked as a set, and I'm going to make my own personal ESP to give some of the more unique books their own covers out of the overlap from those two sets.
There are some other fabulous texture replacers accessible from that site. Well worth a browse. 
Nice, thanks.
There are several options.
My favourite: (try and guess why)
By looking at all the ones you presented, I think I am going with your favorite one. Those look really well done.
Connary requested that his work not be linked from the forums.
(since they are hosted without his permission)
I am not saying anything about it either way, but I was curious. Was "Connary" mad at the gamesas forums community, or was it for some other reason?
I don't know anything about him or his mods yet, I was just curious as to why, if you knew.
That's sad, but not knowledge that people like me new to these forums would be aware of. Is there an official download location for his mods? Those are jaw-droppingly fabulous work and it would be criminal not to make them available to the community after the care and attention that's been lavished on them.

THanks for making an effort.