Second my Pipboy's glove is missing, I believe it started when I installed Hectrol's Pipboy retexture and simply thought it was an issue with that mod but I just installed a different Pipboy retexture and the glove is still gone so there has to be something more to it.
I also have a question about the Excalibr Munitions shop. How does it judge when to offer new "pimpings" and other such items to me. Some of the pimping options have disappeared as I've picked others, is this part of the mod or is it something else. I'm really itching to get my Barret done up.
And of course, here's my Load Order for you good folks to work over, as sorted automatically by FOMM.
fallout3.esmanchorage.esmthepitt.esmbrokensteel.esmpointlookout.esmzeta.esmnapa.espzl-acr.esppartical magnum.espmm6u.espcalibr.esmenhanced weather - rain and snow.esmconsole key binder.espdarnifieduif3.espcalibrxmerchant.espgalaxynewsradio100[m].espgalaxynewsradio80[m].espgalaxynewsradio60[m].espgalaxynewsradio40[m].espgalaxynewsradio20[m].espweaponmodkits.espweaponmodkits - operationanchorage.espweaponmodkits - thepitt.espweaponmodkits - brokensteel.espweaponmodkits - pointlookout.espweaponmodkits - zeta.espmarkb50k_wasteland_patrols.espcoltanaconda.espxcalibr.esmxcalibrmunitions.espxcalibrmunitions_fosenhancements.espsteinercombatgear.espsr25rifle.esp3efdrg.esp20th century v5 alive (brotherhood_outcast).esp20th century v5 alive (chinese ghoul).esp20th century v5 alive (containers).esp20th century v5 alive (npc_settler).esp20th century v5 alive (raider).esp20th century v5 alive (rivetcity).esp20th century v5 alive (slaver).esp20th century v5 alive (talon_regulator).esp20th century v5 alive (test container).esp20th century v5 alive (vault 101).esp20th century v5 alive (vendor).esp20th century weapons.esm20th century v5 alive (supermutant).esp1alexscorpionsnipergear.espenhanced weather - rain and snow in fallout.espenhanced weather - radioactive rain and snow plugin.espenhanced weather - weather sounds in interiors.espenhanced weather - sneak bonus during storms.esp