First of all, you are clearly misunderstanding what "glass" is in TES. It is a type of volcanic glass created by Red Mountain that is exceptionally strong. Also, glass is not a liquid and it disgusts me that people actually still think this.
So then there will be no glass in Skyrim? Suits me just fine, as I always thought it being weird.

But I am talking about obsidian type glass (rather than lead/flint/silica glass), and the green in TES is explained with iron and magnesium content. However, raw ebony is explained to be an obsedian, but in brown color. There is also glassy (amorphous) metals, but are today expensive and I can't have TES glass be explained to be this given the Red Mountain nature of it. (TES Ebony ore?) (TES glass? Some has a funny resemblance to other tears, don't you think?

So given the faith of Vvardenfell and Red Mountain, maybe anything glass and ebony will be extremely rare, maybe to the point of being a collectors item rather than for its super extreme properties? I never minded having them around, it just became weird that they had this extreme Armor Class property compared to steel. If it was up to me, I'd give them the same AC as iron, but different weights and durabilities, where even steel outshines them in terms of AC but suffers in durability. Maybe there will be a catastrophic event like a volcano, which we can extract ores from? Who knows, could be interesting.
Ok, reason it's often being referred to as a liquid is that it's not a true solid in the traditional sense of matter states - what most know about states. You call it a liquid and get off with that, rather than trying to explain states that are slightly abstract and not what you learned in school. So, I'm busted, but not worried about it