I think it'd be far more interesting if the Empire simply died, if the nations broke off and became independant. There's a lot more potential for drama and conflict like that, and that's good groundwork for future stories.
uhh, correct me if I'm wrong here
but isn't that already the case?
in the GI article it was explained that the Septim Empire had been dead for two centuries, that elven territories had since been declared sovereign (Morrowind, Summerset Isles and Valonwood are independent now) And that the human provinces are mostly independent too, (in fact didn't someone on this forum say that Skyrim was actually staging an invasion of Hammerfell?)
I don't know, maybe I misunderstood something but it seems like Tamriel is already a split apart continent
from what I can tell it would make sense if the player character started some new empire and Skyrim is the first in a string of TES games that involve reuniting Tamriel. The Lore could be enigmatic about the identity of the player like it always was with every other TES game.
I'm indifferent though, doesn't honestly matter whether we become king or not, but I'd like to be the focus this time though rather than being Martin's whipping boy.