Magic. I used to play stealth characters, but then one day discovered the joy of the "pure mage". I levitate absolutely everywhere. I summon ghosts and whack them to keep my magicka up constantly (sign of the Atronach). I can use telekinesis, open, chameleon, sanctuary, and fortify luck to be able to do anything a thief can do. I can use charm in place of speechcraft. It doesn't feel like cheating, because it constantly requires good management of my magicka. I rarely bother with combat. If I do run out of magicka mid-fight, then I'm just good enough with a short blade to finish the job, but more than likely will drink a restore magicka potion instead and finish the job the proper magely way. I can cast shields, as well as resists in place of armor. Enchanted trinkets and potions are also a great help, also within the magic specialization. Upgrading to a better weapon or armor requires you to actually find one first. I upgrade my spells every few levels using the spellmaking service. I can't think of a single thing in stealth and combat that magic can't replace, and it does more besides.
I'm talking exclusively about Morrowind of course. I've barely touched Oblivion so I can't comment there. I think I stopped playing it as soon as I found out you couldn't levitate, anywhere, EVER.
Magic is for people who svck at the game, by that i mean there's no challenge. I prefer the specializations that require skill like stealth with magic you can just reproduce skills with magic.
I disagree very strongly with this statement, and it's also inflammatory. Magic requires more creative thinking than combat. Combat is mainly hack at enemy, repeat until dead. When you can't even control your blocks and dodges, it's pretty much just clicking the left mouse button and positioning yourself for either ranged or closed combat (I'm mainly commenting on MW combat). With magic, you have to make a ton of decisions about which spells to use, while managing your magicka pool to last the fight.
I put magic almost on par with stealth in terms of challenge. Both can be used to achieve some of the same ends, but are different styles. And magic does require skill in every different school or your casts fail, just like a lockpick attempt fails if your security isn't high enough.