I think that's a bit of a wild assumption. I'd like to agree but I'm still sceptical. It's entirely possible that they've merely designed asymmetrical armour pieces, a la http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/d/de/LegionCenturionArmor.png
It seems Outlander already posted exactly what I came here to say. I wouldn't say it's a wild assumption in the least bit. And here's why: The Nord character on page 52 is essentially wearing 0 chest protection but still has a shoulder piece. The Dunmer on page 50 has chest protection AND a similar looking shoulder piece. What do the two pictures have in common? The cross-straps that hold the pauldron in place. It seems like a waste to use the entire chest slot for a tiny piece of armor that protects only one shoulder. This tells me there's a very likely chance of having pauldrons in the game. Not confirmed or anything, but very possible.
You can see another pauldron on page 51 on the guy falling on his left shoulder. As well as symmetrical pauldrons on the guard in town, and on the Elven looking armor.
Assuming they're in, do pauldrons use two slots or only a single slot like gloves do now? I having a feeling it'll be a single slot like gloves and as a result some pauldron sets will have two shoulders and some only a single shoulder. My next question would be, are the single shoulder sets always on the left side of the person(pg 50,51,52)