nice surprises

Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:53 pm

I remember when I was a child playing with Lego, I had this (relatively) 'massive' pirate ship and all my Lilliputian-pirate-mates would go off on adventures, over mountains (piles of clothes) to far off lands (other side of room) and dream of futures surrounded by riches (in attic, in a box). One such day they were exploring vast caverns (dad's magazine rack) and came across a chest of gold!!! (a Lego chest with Lego gold) Now the great thing was that I hadn't expected that; I had left the chest there months ago while playing cowboys ('member the blue hats and the cavalry?) and it was a such a joyous surprise, and felt like an actual discovery.

Anyhoo, my point is that I began playing Oblivion again, after about a year hiatus; I eventually got back into the storyline and quests but I couldn't find any of my loot from my earlier days, like the staff of Worms, or Blade of Woe, some Dwarven armour (I am arch-made, grand champion and listener) so was gutted to have lost that stuff. However, last night I found all my carefully secreted loot in the hollow stump in the Market place, so many good items were in there, aah, it was like coming home.

You guys ever 'find' your own stuff that you happen to have misplaced, my friend is annoyed with himself because he thinks he sold Caelia Draconis' sword, and can't remember who too lol
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:39 pm

I have lost my adoring fan and i know i haven't killed him.

i used to play the same way as you as a child :)

making a new character now though, gonna' do some roleplayibg hopefully.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:29 am

One of my favorite surprises would have to be a spell i found in my spellbook days after i made it. lol... WIth so many spells in my spellbook it was easily overlooked, yet finding it was rather stimulating, even though i couldve created another one.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:49 am

Played for a long time and saved my character to a blank disc. I had to reformat and restored my character months later. Didn't know where my stuff was or what I did with it. After awhile I realized I can click on the obelisks in Shivering Isles and.. Walla. There was my stuff. Was really happy.
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Amy Melissa
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:02 am

I have awakened from my slumber (playing FONV and Blackops nonstop and school too) to answer your question.

Yeah I got back on after so long and found the ring of burden on one of my shelves in my Chorrol House. Not the greatest trinket/reward but it brought back memories.
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TRIsha FEnnesse
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:51 am

Done that a few times, sometimes on purpose! I have a bad memory so I make enchanted items and leave these 'sets' in random (Or favorite) Dungeons and then eventually stumble across a piece and start a grand adventure of dungeoning for the lost 'paladin artifacts' or those of the grand hero 'Jerico' or (More nefariously) The 'Demons Armour' ! Such fun!
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