I've noticed that the experience award for lockpicking, hacking, and etc seems to be based on the difficulty of said lock. Easy 25, Average 50, hard 75, very hard 100, or something like that
When I play on very hard difficulty with 3 levels of "swift learner" I get the following experience for locks:
Very Easy 26
Easy 39
average 52
hard 65
very hard 78
The closest I can figure, the following would be without swift learner:
Very Easy 20
Easy 30
average 40
hard 50
very hard 60
I believe that these would go up if I slept in a bed I owned. I also believed they would go down if I backed off on the difficulty level.
My reason for getting into this research is that I do not like how easy it is to get experience. I am currently at level 42 (I use SETGS to increase the maximum character level) and still have about twenty locations to investigate before finishing the base game. Then I have to do the four addons that I have (BS, Pitt, Anch, and Point LO). The last time that I did everything, I got to level 56. My next game will try to minimize leveling by not taking any "swift learner" perks and doing whatever else I can to keep experience low.
Question: Does Intelligence have anything to do with experience??? Or is it just skilll points. I will continue to play on Very Hard Difficulty, just to keep the game interesting, so I cannot limit experience that way.