Is there no Tears of the Fiend thread here? I wanted to post there but there doesn't seem to be one.
I've been playing through Tears of the Fiend and it locates the Ehothorn Estate in a place that conflicts with Better Cities. I've searched around here and on TES to see if there was anything about this, and found nothing.
Does anyone know if there is a compatability patch or a way of fixing this so I can enjoy this mod? (short of just turning off collisions, which still leaves a floating mansion in Cheydinhal)
I recently took BC out of my build, but I still have TOTF in there, and I do recall that there was a patch (included with the BC download) for TOTF (I
think it was called Better Cities - Tears of the Fiend.esp, but that's probably only because that seems to be their naming conevention). Look in the Readme as well for BC... I am almost certain what you're looking for is in there.