Part One - The family.
"Well, I finally made it to Cyrodiil dad," Spoke an average looking Imperial as he crouched next to a tombstone, "it's nice, but I'm here on formal matters, I finally decided to take your advice you know, got a job at the fighters guild here. Big one too apparently ? Mom wasn't too pleased." the man chuckled and smiled weakly, his chiselled features giving way for a second before they returned back into the half smile he always wore. "She never really approved of much that we did though, did she? But that's fine, she'll understand. You know what you told me about Cyrodiil? Well, it hasn't changed much: The memorial statue of the great 'oblivion crisis' still stands high and it really doesn't feel like that nonsense was only about 60 years ago. Akatosh be praised this place looks as good as it does in your stories. You never would've figured that anything like that would've happened here." As the man spoke, his voice became coarse and quiet, much like a voice does when someone tries not to cry. "But, that suits me fine. It's better then home, right? Heh, no gaping holes in cliffsides here ? No sir. You'd like it dad, I know you would." At this the man stood up and saluted for a second. "You look over Mom dad, by the gods she needs you now."
He reached into the pocket of his long, thick and grey coloured trench coat and withdrew a book- He placed it at the foot of the grave and walked away, his boots creating deep imprints in the snow. As he got to the exit of the graveyard he took out a thin cigarette and lit it- The smoke of the cigarette filled out into the morning fog that had engulfed the city of Bruma. He looked back at the grave one last time and finally began to make his way into the city.
Although it was morning, the city was bustling. Travellers, merchants, guards and other such folk filed out of every building. The noise was more then enough to annoy anyone attempting to sleep in, but today was unlike most days. For today they were celebrating the mid year festival. It was a very busy time of year, everyone had somewhere to be and the churches were just as busy if not more so then most of the taverns in Cyrodiil. (Which was unusually busy in Bruma.) Nonetheless however, Crook, as he liked to be called had found his destination.
With heavy feet and a cold shiver he entered the fighters guild. He quickly looked around and saw that nothing had changed since last evening. Save for now the room was full of men and women all shouting something about their troubles. Crook shuffled past the crowd and walked upstairs into one of the member rooms where a long table and two well dressed men were sitting at. One of them looked to Crook and flinched, "Please, no cigarettes in here, it makes the place smell horrid." he stated in a thick cyrodiilic accent. Crook nodded, dropped the cigarette to the floor and much to the other mans dismay ? Stomped it out on his rug. "Forgive me." he said and half bowed.
"Well, uhh, quite right." Spoke the other man as he stood up to shake Crook's hand, "My name is Matthew Johnstone, I am to be your employer for this mission." The two men shook hands briefly and it was Crook who spoke next.
"Christopher King, but call me Crook. It's an old nickname." He added with a smile, noticing how the man often looked at the put out cigarette. "So, Mr Johnstone, is this it? Just myself and this other gentleman here?" He asked as he sat down next to a Dunmer man who had yet to be introduced. Crook and this Dunmer man both met eyes and smiled weakly. He was used to that ? After living in Vvardenfell for most of his life, he'd kinda gotten used to how they viewed other species. "Oh, no. There is one other and I don't expect him to be here for the moment. This here is.. Uthire, a Dunmer mage from the Telvanni." Mr Johnstone said proudly, almost showing off his new pet.
Uthire wasn't happy about it though and waved his hand, "That is enough Matthew, do you wish to embarrass me?" He spoke and turned to look at Crook again, "Well, 'Crook', I had not expected to see someone like yourself here for this mission." he mumbled and sighed, turning his attention away from Crook.
Crook frowned, "Quite." he responded as he noticed there was a small map on the table. He reached out for it and pushed it closer. Various markers had been imprinted upon it and Crook began to read out the names of the locations under his breath. "Is this where we're heading? Skyrim?" He asked, not taking his attention away from the map. He'd never been to Skyrim, and he hated the cold ? This is going to be fun. he thought dryly, but in truth he couldn't be happier. He'd heard of tall tales about giant beasts that roam the wastelands of the snowy province and had always wanted to defeat one. He was about to ask another question when his attention was taken away from the map and to what was possibly the largest man he'd ever seen.
"Gro Grahz, reportin' fur duty sire." insisted the great dark skinned orc. The ugly thing was decked out in some strange armour Crook had never seen before, it looked thick and clumsy yet the Orc walked in without struggle and even stretched his arms out.
"Ahai! Grahz, it's good to see you again. Please, uhh, take a spot at the table." started Mr Johnstone as he pointed towards the table, his face showing a wide grin that betrayed his earlier mannerisms. The great orc nodded and stomped towards the table but decided not to sit down, after all, he was covered in armour.
"Well, now that the family is all here, I guess it's time to tell you all of the mission, first off though, I want to stress to you the importance of this mission: If Skyrim officials become aware of your presence, no way must you tell them your true objective, for if you do, you will plunge both cyrodiil and Skyrim into war. And that is something we cannot allow for ? You are all trusted members of your respective establishments and thus I have no reason to not trust you." He addressed the three of them as he pointed towards the map. "But I cannot stress enough ? You must keep this mission secretive. Not even your closest friends can know about this." After he finished with his speech which picked Crooks interest, Mr Johnstone walked towards a side door and knocked loudly. He then waited for the door to open before returning back to the table where he was followed by a well built Redoran, "This here is General Havir, a member of the secret order of the blades. He will inform you of your mission."