Ok. I was reading some ES lore on the web, and it suddenly hit me! Nirn is Mars!!!! (The fourth planet from our sun, for the uneducated) Think about it: There are nine planet in the solar system where Nirn is (remember all the ES games were made before Pluto lost it's status as a planet), Nirn has two moons (so does mars), there are humans there (which I'm guessing you most likely are too). Mars is (in real life) thought to support life at one point in it's history, so why not a world filled with magic, gods, wars etc. etc. Let's presume for a moment that Mars/Nirn got destroyed somehow, the humans were the only ones able to escape and they made it to the planet closest to them, both in distance and living conditions (which in real life would be Earth, our planet) and they brought with them some animals: Bears, mountain lions, wolves etc. Somehow they lost their memories, either intentional or by accident, and noone remembers anything at all about magic and all the other stuff that distinguishes us from the ES world. This could also explain all the legends we have about for example werewolves, (in christian belief) a war in heaven (Aedra vs. Daedra), Vampires, Wizards, Witch burning (notice how Witch is almost identical too lich

) Dragons and so on and so on.
I know there are arguments against this like for example ?If all the Men of Akavir were eaten, then how come there are asian people here?? Well, like It says in the undertitle (whatever it's called), this os just wild speulations, but I would like to think what you feel about this theory of mine :whisper: