it must be very simple what I'm trying to achieve, but I'm not having much joy.
I'm trying to have it so that an NPC spawns before the player after a certain amount of time has passed within the game. For argument's and testing's sake, let's say 10 seconds.
I place the NPC in an incredibly obscure and unreachable part of the wasteland, assign them an ID and when the timer hits 10, the NPC 'teleports' to the players location.
This however doesn't seem to be happening. I apply the script to the NPC and zilcho.
Is this because I'm using a Begin GameMode when I'm not in the same 'cell' as the NPC?
scn mytestnpcFOLLOWERSCRIPTfloat timerbegin gamemode if timer < 10 set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed else ShowMessage mytestnpcMsgDEBUG PlaySound FXMissileFlyBy imod FlashBangISfx mytestnpc00.MoveTo Player set timer to 0 endifend