ScriptName GrandSlamWeaponEffectref mySelfshort Timershort DoOnceBEGIN ScriptEffectStart set mySelf to getSelf myself.pushActorAway myself 5 set Timer to 5 set DoOnce to 1endbegin GameMode if DoOnce == 1 if Timer > 0 set Timer to Timer - 1 else set DoOnce to 0 player.pushActorAway mySelf 20 endif endifend
PushActorAway mySelf 5 ;<- Implicit Reference SyntaxmySelf.PushActorAway mySelf 5 ;<- Explicit Reference Syntax should only be used when passing the information to another script or, as you've done, when using the information as a parameter of another function.
ScriptName GrandSlamEffectScriptref mySelfBEGIN ScriptEffectStart set mySelf to getSelf pushActorAway myself 2endBegin ScriptEffectFinish player.pushActorAway mySelf 15end