I really dont want to script the movement...so is there any way to make the player stick to the chair? or a way to apply animations ot the funature markers?
scn 1SSDisableMountFurnitureAIRef MyActivatorFloat TimerShort SwitchBegin OnLoad SetGhost 1 ; Prevent Mount from taking DMG If IsActorsAIOff == 0 ToggleActorsAI ; Disable AI processing EndifEndBegin OnActivate If Timer > 0 Return Else Set MyActivator to GetActionRef If MyActivator.IsActor && MyActivator.IsCreature == 0 If IsActorsAIOff ToggleActorsAI ; Enable AI processing, Otherwise Actor can not mount the Furniture. Activate Else Set Timer to 3 ; Timer to Toggle AI back off -> do not turn it off while an actor is still dismounting. Set Switch to 1 ; Also prevents re-activation until everthing is reset to a default state. Activate Endif Endif EndifEndBegin GameMode If Switch == 0 Return Else If Timer < 0 Set Switch to 0 ToggleActorsAI ; Disable AI processing Else Set Timer to Timer - GetSecondsPassed Endif EndifEnd
scn 1SSMSAbilityFollowNPCMobiusRef MobiusShort MoveFloat DirectionBegin ScriptEffectStart Set Mobius to SSNPCMobius DisablePlayerControls ; For some reason this does not Disable Movement or Run/Walk while mounted. DisableControl 0 ; Disable Movement Forward DisableControl 1 ; Disable Movement Backward DisableControl 2 ; Disable Movement Left DisableControl 3 ; Disable Movement Right DisableControl 10 ; Disable Switch Run/Walk DisableControl 11 ; Disable Toggle AlwaysRunEndBegin ScriptEffectUpdate If GetDistance Mobius < 256 ; Wait for Mobius to finish talking, do not pass him. If Move == 1 || 2 Set Move to 0 Playgroup Idle 0 Endif Elseif GetDistance Mobius > 512 ; Catch up to Mobius. If Move == 0 || 1 Set Move to 2 Playgroup FastForward 1 Endif Else ; Follow Mobius. If Move == 0 || 2 Set Move to 1 PlayGroup Forward 1 Endif Endif Set Direction to GetAngle Z ; Always face Mobius. Set Direction to (Direction + GetHeadingAngle Mobius) SetAngle Z DirectionEndBegin ScriptEffectFinish EnablePlayerControls ; For some reason this does not Disable Movement or Run/Walk while mounted. EnableControl 0 ; Enable Movement Forward EnableControl 1 ; Enable Movement Backward EnableControl 2 ; Enable Movement Left EnableControl 3 ; Enable Movement Right EnableControl 10 ; Enable Switch Run/Walk EnableControl 11 ; Enable Toggle AlwaysRunEnd