Can anyone get an accompany package to work? I would think it should work like a follow package, but all attempts I make with accompany packages have them working like travel packages. Once the actor with the accompany package arrives next to the player, they just stop never to move again. Just to be sure, I made a test mod with a single NPC (Amata) in a simple square navmeshed room. I gave her 1 topic of dialogue, either she sandboxes or accompanies depending on the dialogue - which works. But once she is on an accompany package, she will approach the player until she is withing the accompany distance (150) and then stop and just stand there. If I talk to her again, she'll sandbox, talk again and she'll approach and stop. I have no flags on the package (though I have tried many combinations) and one condition that checks a script variable running on her. That variable is set in the results script of her dialogue, 1=accompany, 0=sandbox. Yes, I have evp in there too. I thought I understood packages pretty well, but this one just doesn't work.
If I use the console and give her an evp, she remains stuck. If I use resetAI, she'll move towards me again and then just stay put. Its acting just like a travel package. Her GetCurrentAIPackage and GetCurrentAIProcedure are correct, 15/27 for when she's stuck and 15/19 when she approaches. My test Amata is a copy and has been cleaned of every original detail. I originally tried this out with NPCs from my main mod before trying the test environment - both had the same results.
Anybody got a clue what's up with this?