Time to make another one

I have foreseen this end,
That's after 200 posts, and I think that's usually on page 11 and around 30 more posts from now. Page 8 is where it goes horribly off topic, so bad that it can't be fixed in 30 posts.
see, we had a chat about North/South and something about mounts and mules
But I'd also like to see a poll on the next thread, like
Regardless, I still hope the next thread comes with a poll for some general location, like
South (North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Florida, Alabama, Texas, Mississippi etc)
North (New York State, Maine, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey etc)
MidWest (Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin etc)
West (Cauliflower, Washington, Nevada etc)
I used the official regions here, I usually use different regions.
I'd also like to see another poll about the landscape, like
BTW, Tennessee would be nice, close enough to the MWBOS, but still Southern, with several interesting locations